On your way to a landing zone you get ambushed by some Black ops.
You wake up in a room with a couple of other soldiers.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and find you way to that LZ!
Maps and mods that feature between 5 and 20 minutes gameplay.
Follow these releases via RSS“The Bad Guys have taken over a building in a Generic American City, and they’ve kidnapped some Innocent Scientists and forced them to genetically engineer Evil Mutated Monsters as part of a fiendish plan for World Domination.
But the creations have turned on their creators and escaped, and are running amok inside the building, in an orgy of Death and Destruction.
Total Downloads: 2,15513th November 2012
and 12 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Background: Your helicopter was shot down near an airport, somewhere in Kenya
Your primary objective is to evacuate by plane to the secret airdrome.
Your secondary objective is to clean up the airport and escape.
Good luck soldier, you are going to need it!
Total Downloads: 1,71913th November 2012
and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Starting with the same basic scene as Opposing Force, you need to escape the base.
There’s a few areas you need to access before you can reach the portal.
Be careful, even your friends may be enemies.
Total Downloads: 1,68112th November 2012
and 8 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
A 3 mappack, that was supposed to be part of something larger.
Work your way through the research base, killing the zombies, headcrabs and houndeyes.
When you reach the scientist at the tram stop, it finishes just on the next map load.
Total Downloads: 2,30611th November 2012
and 11 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Looks like you are on a space station or maybe it’s just the night view.
Who knows, or cares, just kill everything until you reach the oil tanker.
Take you time, this is quite a challenge.
Total Downloads: 1,51110th November 2012
and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
You start in The Red Area and must make your way to the escape aircraft.
Unfortunately, the aliens and army grunts don’t want you to get there.
Fortunately, you have enough weapons and ammo to disagree, most violently I might add, and do as you please.
Good luck, because this is a tough challenge!
Total Downloads: 1,6477th November 2012
and 9 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
“Mmm, I wonder if this train has steward service?”
No time to find out as things take a turn for the worst.
Follow you instinct and find the secret base.
The lift shaft is the end.
Total Downloads: 1,7266th November 2012
and 10 recommendations with no significant bias
A research laboratory has sent a distress signal.
You have been sent to assess the situation and take whatever action is required.
Explore the laboratory and take those actions.
Good Luck!
Total Downloads: 1,3945th November 2012
and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Read the instructions at the beginning of the map very carefully, they will save your life.
Watch out for bobby traps and avoid the obvious bombs.
Kill everything with as little ammo as possible.
Total Downloads: 1,4444th November 2012
and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 1,54615th November 2012
15 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it