
Thank you for registering

You will be sent an email with a confirmation link for you to set your password. If you have not received this email within 15 minutes, please contact me. The address is in the footer.

Please read and follow the 3 steps below.

IMPORTANT: If you haven't made an approved comment after 3 days of registering, your account is deleted.

If at any time you have a question or a suggestion about the site,
please use the contact page to send a message.
Why not introduce yourself and be welcomed by the community?
Step 1
Please do not post very short reviews with a Recommendation image for long mods.

Recommendation images used with short reviews for long mods will have the image removed.

The Recommendation is a visual representation of the review NOT a replacement for it.

Step 2
When commenting, please be polite, courteous and friendly at ALL times.

All comments are retroactively moderated and any felt to be unsuitable or inappropriate will be edited or removed.

Step 3
Download, play and review as many mods as possible.

The site is here to provide access to as many single player maps and mods as possible.

So, go play them!

For more information about the site, please see the ABOUT page. It contains everything you should need to know.