This pages lists and describes the changes to the site.
It is NOT a list of new posts, those are elsewhere.
October 2015
Added Gonarchs to the Tags page. The tag was already there, but not on the page.
Created a Mapping Challenges page, which is linked to via the EXPLORE menu. It displays an image, the date, the number of entries and whether a user has reviewed it or not. The introduction also links to the Table and Excerpt views. The page has sections for each year and the 3x24 and 6x10 series, which can be accessed via the JUMP TO menu.
Created a Hall of Fame Table page, which is linked to via the PLAY menu. It links to the original HALL OF FAME page, which is displayed differently.
Created a Mapping Challenges Table page, which is linked to via the PLAY menu. It will link to Mapping Challenge page, formatted exactly like the proper HALL OF FAME page, when I finish this month.
Both the Hall of Fame and Mapping Challenges have 3 ways to be displayed: Table, Page and Excerpt. I need to ensure that the other two are linked to in each one and for it to be done consistently.
September 2015
Added anew menu item under EXPLORE. PAST PROJECTS currently includes Combine Road, but may be added to over time. These pages are for reference only.
August 2015
Jan and I fixed some issues with the download table of the database. This means the details on the statistics page are closer to reality.
Currently working on adding all the authors missing from the archives tables.
Currently working on adding all the missing text from posts that were corrupted when I moved hosts. This is often the reason for the missing authors (see above).
Currently working on removing the game name from the actual post title. This is a huge PITA as it has to be done manually. They must be removed because they are being duplicated in the new theme.
Started adding the full reviews for each Ten Four review, after receiving permission from the Ten Four owner. This was sought because Ten Four is now offline.
Added "Ten Four Reviews" to the tags page. The tag was already in use, but it wasn't on the TAGs page.
The TAG archive pages now display the number of maps and mods with the selected TAG.
Created a new Categories page, that lists all the post categories, with the links displaying the posts in the "frontpage" style (actually called Excerpts). The previous theme displayed an auto-generated list in the sidebar but since the new theme does not have a convenient place to use it, a new manual page was created.
All category archives now display a description in the main section of the page.
Added direct links to past events on the PARTICIPATE > PAST EVENTS menu item. The PAST EVENTS link still works and takes users to an overview page, which alos has links to the past events.
July 2015
Added the Author column to all the PLAY archives.
June 2015
No major updates to the site.
MAy 2015
No major updates to the site.
April 2015
MapTap 2.5 was released. It contains a few bug fixes and now automatically updates the gameinfo.txt file to hopefully work with Steampipe.
Fixed the issue with losing a recommendation image when you edited a comment.
Added local avatars. Users can now upload their own avatar instead of having to rely on Gravatar.
Added descriptions to all TAGS and a TAG archive now displays the description and RSS feed link in the header section.
Added the "TVR", "CJ" and "CofM" events as sub-menus to the "Current Events" menu of the "Participate" menu.
Created a Calendar page that shows the events planned. Also includes a "Jump To..." menu item.
Jan has been hard at work to may the PLAY archive page load as fast as possible. We should have it working before the end of the month.
Announced that the next Mapping Challenge will start 19th March. It's a joint challenge with MapCore.
February 2015
Launched the new theme!
Created this page and put a link to it on the HOME menu
Created a Calendar page that shows the events planned. Also includes a "Jump To..." menu item.
Removed all the personalized thumbnail recommendation images. This is to make it easier to maintain new images.
Updated the Statistics page and put a link to it on the HOME menu. This page shows the content statistics of the page, not visitors etc.
Split the Events section into Past Events and Current Events, modified the main menu to link to both. This might be changed to sub-menu items with direct links to each even page.
Users, both registered and anonymous, can add a heading and spoiler HTML tags to the comments. Phew, that took longer than it should have.