Standard Deviation

Releases with the most deviation or consensus

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Nuclear Bunker

for Half-Life 2

A nuclear missile’s headed your way. A nuclear bunker is right behind you. But its door is shut.

You have two minutes to find a way inside.

Talk to the people and see if you can decipher their words.


Total Downloads: 1,49031st August 2018
10 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Street Hazard

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“You are one of the last surviving rebels in a war-torn city after a prolonged combat against the Combine during the Uprising. The main Citadel has been destroyed giving the Resistance a high ground in the battle while leaving the Combine forces disorganised without proper communications.

Because of this as well as the rebels’ persistent resistance the losing Combine had decided to use their last resort, the headcrab shell bombardment, consequently abandoning the plans of regaining control over that area and instead causing a zombie outbreak. This counter measure has caused almost the whole population of the city to turn into zombies including a considerable number of Combine Soldiers, as well. Right now there are still some small isolated Combine squads remaining in the region.

Since the shelling, you have been staying alone in an abandoned and half destroyed house for a short time. Though at this moment, having no other survivors to assist you and the zombies closing in, you have decided that it’s finally time to try and escape from the zombie filled city and find a new and better place to live in. You grab your only firearm, the shotgun, with the little ammo you have left and set forth through the hazards on the streets.”


Total Downloads: 3,05522nd October 2017
32 Comments and 15 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!


for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

This is the continuation of DAV Train.

After reaching the Osprey you think that you are safe and going home but you don’t realize that you are being follow by an Apache helicopter.

Eventually he damages your Osprey and you crash, finding yourself on the run again…


Total Downloads: 3,5842nd September 2011
25 Comments and 15 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Chaos Theory

for Half-Life

You are Gordon Freeman, a scientist working at a top secret government laboratory.

Your team is working on discovering the implications of the Chaos Theory, but so far the results have been inconclusive.

However, you have the feeling that today’s experiment may provide answers one way or another…


Total Downloads: 3,0569th August 2011
29 Comments and 19 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Deep Down

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Firmly sticking to the Half Life 2 formula, Deep Down is a new entry in the story of Alyx and Gordon as they continue the hunt for Combine Advisors in the area surrounding White Forest.

Combine Forces, Zombies and Antlions lie between them and the brooding menace deep below the earth that will test both their skills further than ever before.

If you miss the Half Life 2 formula and are tired of waiting patiently for Episode 3 then this mod is for you. Featuring new gameplay elements, fiendish puzzles and blistering action, Deep Down will provide your Half Life 2 fix (well some of it at least).


Total Downloads: 12,1685th June 2013
144 Comments and 36 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Here is another short map from Miigga.

It’s no different from the others posted so far; keep going until you find the end.

No story, no clear objective, bu fun nevertheless.

Plenty of action in this one.


Total Downloads: 1,39614th September 2009
17 Comments and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Station 60 was one of the last Resistance station created. As such it is slightly bigger and better hidden than most other stations.

Its exact location is a very closely guarded secret and even the personnel are taken their blindfolded and with a very circuitous route.

Even its purpose and objective is know to only a few high-ranking resistance leaders.


Total Downloads: 3,8938th August 2015
39 Comments and 19 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life

After defeating the alien leader Nihilanth, you, Gordon Freeman, declined the mysterious G-Man’s offer of employment and narrowly escaped death at the hands of several alien grunts.

After battling your way through the Lambda Reactor Complex and realigning the antenna dish you were able to make contact with the outside world.

Word has spread of the strange events at Black Mesa and the government is attempting to coverup the truth by reporting “a terrorist plot to obtain U.S. military secrets has been uncovered at the Black Mesa Complex. An undetermined number of civilian personnel have been killed in the well-organised terrorist raid which has been met by U.S. rapid-deployment forces.”


Total Downloads: 8,71016th May 2015
39 Comments and 19 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!