You ARE the deadly cargo!
You are being transported somewhere but foolishly they left a crowbar in your “cell”.
You have waited until the train has stopped and now it’s time to escape.
You ARE the deadly cargo!
You are being transported somewhere but foolishly they left a crowbar in your “cell”.
You have waited until the train has stopped and now it’s time to escape.
Starting in your quarters, you find a vest and some ammo.
Everybody you encounter should be considered an enemy.
Turn off the forcefields and get the lifts working.
Only via them can you escape.
Total Downloads: 2,34325th November 2012
and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Play It Later"
Basic Details Title: Outrun File Name: hl1-sp-outrun.7z Original File Name: Size : 3.92Mb Author: Edmund Hunt Date Released: 26 February 2000 PlanetPhillip Download Servers PlanetPhillip.Com Walkthrough A walkthrough for this mod is available. It is in PDF format. You may be able to open this directly in your browser, depending on which one you… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,5091st January 1998
and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Play It Later"
Find entry to the area behind the Combine gates.
Kill all who stand in your way and then assassinate Breen.
Your work is then done for the day.
Total Downloads: 82227th May 2015
and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Rebels have made a base at the top of a mountain near a town called Coonersville. The Combine decided to send Headcrab canisters into the town instead of trying a normal assault and possibly wasting Combine lives and resources. After a suitable period of time to allow the Headcrabs to do their work, a sweeper team is sent in to secure the town and capture the base.
Total Downloads: 8,3454th December 2005
and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Basic Details Title: Timeline 2: Iced Earth File Name: hl1-sp-timeline-2.7z Size : 15.00MB Author: Ross Smith Date Released: 09 June 2001 Related: Timeline Related: Timeline 3: Heart Of Darkness Download Options Download to your HDD [15.00MB] Walkthrough A walkthrough for this mod is available. It is in PDF format. You may be able to open… Read More
Total Downloads: 3,4601st January 1998
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Welcome to the third challenge from The Hammer Cup 2016, which has a Grand Prize of a NECA Gravity Gun, plus other prizes for second and third places.
This challenge contains 12 entries all with the idea of a “backtracking” as the main theme.
One of the staple events in video games is the backtrack sequence. A part of the game where you retrace your steps in the exact location but this time something has changed.
The change can be due to new enemies, a violent explosion, time travel, new vehicles etc.
We would like you to create a map where the player interacts with an area and then has to backtrack through the same area, but the area must have changed.
The reason for the change and the exact change is entirely up to you.
Total Downloads: 6,47630th April 2016
and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
Short map inside a very tall secret Combine prison.
Work your way up and down the levels to find the exit into sunshine and fresh air.
The second map was never finished.
Total Downloads: 1,77023rd August 2018
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
You find yourself in what seems to be a test facility.
The problem is that YOU are being tested.
Being fast might not be enough, you’ll also need to be smart.
Especially in the final test.
Good luck, or should I say Goodbye!
Total Downloads: 1,30419th October 2014
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
This short map won TWHL’s Test Chamber Mapping Competition back in November 2005.
Here is the original brief: “For this competition, you must build a functioning and original test chamber, similar to the one in HL where everything goes wrong. There should be a specimen of some description being tested, and then everything should go horribly wrong (again). You can include other sections in the map if you wish, but you shouldn’t let that detract you from making a detailed and original test chamber.”
Total Downloads: 2,3597th October 2013
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
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Total Downloads: 1,5291st September 2018
12 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it