Standard Deviation

Releases with the most deviation or consensus

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Abe’s Spicy Mappack Platter

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Here’s a collection of a handful of maps from longtime RTSL member (and Ville mapper!) ihonnyboy (Abraham Lee). It’s a bit of a hodgepodge of maps in various states, including some dev textures – and at least one you might recognize from an old mapping challenge. But they are all playable and worth a look, if not perfectly balanced. Enjoy!


Total Downloads: 1,69120th August 2021
11 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Zombie Clean Up

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Author’s Notes: “The original goal of Zombie Cleanup was to create a Half-Life 2 level that uses the crossbow in a unique way.

The overall objective of the level is to kill your way through three waves of zombies using a new and improved version of the crossbow called the !fire crossbow”.
The design of the level is quite simple with four main areas: the starting alley, the rebel house, the two side alleys where the zombies come from, and the storage room.”


Total Downloads: 1,23012th July 2014
9 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Bomb Squad

for Opposing Force

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Read the instructions at the beginning of the map very carefully, they will save your life.

Watch out for bobby traps and avoid the obvious bombs.

Kill everything with as little ammo as possible.


Total Downloads: 1,4464th November 2012
13 Comments and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Zay 4

for Half-Life 2

Another Doom/Quake style, no story, room-to-room map from Ritosito. The first 3 maps can be found here: Zay 1, 2 and 3. There is one jumping puzzle that is nicely done and plenty of action. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 9 recommendations, average score: 4 (out of… Read More


Total Downloads: 1,00617th February 2008
12 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"

Betrayal for HL1

for Half-Life

“After accepting the offer of the administrator you have been sent to investigate why a science team that has failed to return from a routine “Anomolous Creature” collection mission, they have also failed to radio in a report.
The helicopter is still operational but the science equipment is disrupting further satellite observations. Your orders are to investigate and remedy any problem found, evac will be sent as soon as you complete the mission.

Postion:Arizona 4 miles west of Area 51.”


Total Downloads: 1,74517th August 2011
21 Comments and 17 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Ispitatel 3

for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Here is an unfinished mod by the Letkyx team. In August 2004 source files of this project (more than 50 maps, new textures, models and sounds) were totally lost after hacker’s attack and so the project was cancelled. Recently one of Letkyx’s members decided to upload some of the remaining files. It’s not a fully working mod: to play you must load maps manually, using the console. Many other features were also sadly lost.


Total Downloads: 2,04530th July 2011
18 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Cenodrome: The Lost Sub-Basement of TWHL Tower

for Half-Life

Cenodrome is a small standalone map made in the mold of the TWHL Tower maps. Put together by regulars at The Whole Half-Life site, TWHL Tower was a collaborative mapping project where each mapper constructed a small floor of the tower, and each floor was joined to others by a stairway. Cenodrome is the long lost sub-basement of that tower.


Total Downloads: 2,5143rd September 2018
16 Comments and 8 recommendations with no significant bias

Zombie Attack

for Half-Life 2

You find yourself in a room. One door and a few windows.

There are a few crates, two barrels and a hidden turret.

You have one minute before zombies start coming through the door.

Can you survive?


Total Downloads: 90821st May 2015
10 Comments and 8 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Crowbar of Time

for Half-Life

A couple of maps based on Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time

Author’s note: “You play as Link (Or whatever you choose to name him in the beginning) And these maps I have re-made follow the basic introduction storyline to how Zelda starts out. Link is awoken by the great deku tree and set forth on an adventure to free the deku tree from the evil spirits within it.

Before he can do that, he must explore his forest home in search of a weapon and a means of defending himself. While exploring, link is free to do anything he wishes. There is no time crunch. Only catch : You can’t leave the forest.

Because I cannot code I could not achieve some of the effects or enemies I would have liked to implement. Fog would have been nice. [Damnit highlander] But I did try to put a half-life-esque twist on everything.”


Total Downloads: 1,45012th April 2015
11 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Later"