A simple maze with plenty of health, ammo and enemies. Your objective is to find the Gman. There is no special ending when you do. A very basic first map that at least has some gameplay.
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Releases with the most deviation or consensus
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Sector 9for Half-Life 2
The player wakes up in a destroyed laboratory. He must unravel past events to escape the city and avoid the zombie hordes.
Total Downloads: 2,6511st February 2009
and 14 recommendations with no significant bias
Xenogears 2.5for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
“You have discovered an alien temple in the freezing cold Antarctica. You creep nervously down into these ancient xenomorph ruins…“
Total Downloads: 64415th August 2018
and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Spicewoodfor Half-Life 2
Starting in a very large walled area, you need to get the buggy.
Once over the wall you find a lot of Metrocops and a Strider.
Can you reach the end and kill them all?
Total Downloads: 1,05012th October 2009
and 7 recommendations with no significant bias
Assassinate Dr. Kleinerfor Half-Life 2
A simple map where you have to assassinate Dr. Kleiner and then escape.
There are a few versions of the same map included, including a Christmas version.
The map is small and just contains a hosue and garage.
Total Downloads: 1,16725th December 2008
and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Person of Interestfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Playing as Gordon Freeman, you are a “person of Interest” and the Combine want you.
Your objective, as stated on the screen, is to escape City 17.
Can you do it? The Combine will do their best to stop you.
Total Downloads: 3,77019th August 2012
and 25 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Re-Search and Destroyfor Half-Life 2
Follow the text instructions and enetr the research facility and help those inside. Simply? Of course not. Get to it Freeman!
Total Downloads: 1,45227th January 2009
and 13 recommendations with no significant bias
Chronicles Episode One: Traumatic Experiencesfor Half-Life
Half-Life: Chronicles once again places you in the boots of scientist Gordon Freeman. Trapped in the Black Mesa Research Facility, and persued by humans and aliens alike, you must use your wits (as well as firepower) to stay alive. However, Chronicles takes place in what could be called an “alternate timeline” wherein certain events in Half-Life unfolded differently.
Total Downloads: 3,0201st August 2011
and 17 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Decayfor Half-Life
Half-Life: Decay is an add-on included in the PlayStation 2 port of the first-person shooter computer game Half-Life, developed by Gearbox Software and published in October of 2001, and has now been released as a mod for PC by independent Ukrainian developers along with the help of other European developers/fans.
Total Downloads: 3,64124th September 2008
and 17 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Project Secret Weaponfor Half-Life 2
This is a Russian release, with plenty of new weapons (Maybe from other sources, I don’t know). I am sure there is a story and would love to hear from a Russian speaker to help complete a description and other details. What I can tell you is that you have bullet time, see the Black and white images.
Total Downloads: 4,44727th December 2007
and 16 recommendations with no significant bias
Total Downloads: 84310th March 2008
11 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it