A simple set of connecting areas, some that jump, with a scary theme.
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They Hungerfor Half-Life
The They Hunger Trilogy was Classic of the Month for October and November 2015. Basic Details Title: They Hunger Complete Series File Name: hl1-sp-they-hunger-with-steamfix.7z Original File Names: TheyHunger3.exe, tht_steamfix.exe Size : 45.24MB Author: Neil Manke Date Released: 27 March 2001 Download Options Download to your HDD [45.2MB] Installation Instructions Extract the Hunger folder into either… Read More
Total Downloads: 19,5471st January 1998
and 43 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Alternative Way Part 1for Half-Life
Wake up. Take a shower.
Go down the elevator and take the green truck to work.
Oh BOY! Things just took a turn for the worst.
Don’t let those pesky aliens or army grunts stand in your way!
Total Downloads: 4,1708th December 2011
and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
ETC – Earthquake Test Centrefor Half-Life
Originally, ETC stood for Earthquake Test Centre, but now that’s been forgotten.
All that matters is that you find yourself in a BM-style base with aliens and army trying to kill you.
It’s clear that you need to find a way out.
In fact, there’s a working portal, if only you could reach it!
Total Downloads: 6,9014th September 2011
and 26 recommendations with no significant bias
Fate Reversalfor Half-Life
What if Freeman weren’t held in stasis during the portal storm that ravaged the Earth and caught the attention of the Combine?
What if Freeman had a chance to prevent the Combine invasion from ever materializing?
What if Freeman could reverse mankind’s fate?
Total Downloads: 3,69812th June 2010
and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Hamlet Combatfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
This map was originally released on FPSB as Hamlet. After playing it and realizing it didn’t have any combat but was so well made that it deserved to be seen and played by you guys, I contacted the author and requested he add some combat.
He kindly agreed and eventually got the new file to me, which I present here. It starts with an exploring style and finishes with a clear objective. I recommend you play on Medium or Hard.
Total Downloads: 3,58710th December 2010
and 15 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
MinimalismVillefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
MinimalismVille is the first 50-hour mapping challenge I have run. It will not be the last!
It contains 21 entries and a bonus map.
The focus of this theme was to use a little as possible. The mapper decided what was “little”.
Total Downloads: 2,52520th May 2017
and 14 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Silent Roomfor Half-Life 2
“In Silent Room, you play as just another average citizen of an average city. On a certain day, you and Quinn, a friend of yours, were invited by Danny, your paranoid friend, to party in his home. As it turned dark, you got too drunk to even stand up and so had to lie down in Danny’s bed. You fell asleep… and woke up at midnight only to find the door locked… which is when your ordeal begins.”
Total Downloads: 85721st July 2018
and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Headcrab Bossfor Half-Life
The mighty and dangerous Headcrab Boss awaits you in the next room.
Collect your weapons and steady your heart for a long and arduous fight.
Only the careful will survive.
One hit from it will kill you.
Total Downloads: 1,0853rd May 2015
and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
The Escapefor Half-Life
You are trapped.
You and one security guard and perhaps a scientist.
With careful planning you might be able to escape.
Can you save the others though?
Total Downloads: 1,0849th April 2015
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
Total Downloads: 1,2466th December 2008
15 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"