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CSS SCI-Fi 3: Hardwired

for Half-Life 2

CSS SCI FI 3: Hardwired is a single-player modification for Half-Life 2. Waking up to find himself an augmented clone of Gordon Freeman, the player must fight time-travelling Combine forces and other enemies across 42 unique and replayable missions.

Missions are set in 18 retail and 24 custom Counter-Strike: Source maps, which are installed intact to the player’s CS:S game folder. The mod edits the entity data for each map as it is loaded, adding and modifying entities to create a seamless single-player experience. The maps remain unchanged and are fully playable in Counter-Strike: Source. Maps have been contributed by established designers, including Bluestrike, Schuzak and Combat locations range from a snow-covered country church to a dense pine forest to a sun-baked tropical island.


Total Downloads: 6,4379th October 2009
166 Comments and 22 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"

Hobo Adventure

for Half-Life 2

It’s tough living on the streets.

Fights, halucinations, finding somewhere safe to sleep.

Can you find and get the TV to enter the bar?

You’ll need to be pretty street-smart to do it.


Total Downloads: 1,50427th July 2015
28 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Please give way to oncoming traffic. Hypnagogia is an abstract map heavily inspired by shadgrimgrvy’s works. Continue your journey through Somnolence City. Fight, explore and puzzle your way through ever changing locales and try to make sense of things as you travel towards a looming, but unknown threat.


Total Downloads: 8482nd October 2022
6 Comments and 5 recommendations with no significant bias