Here is a medium length map that was submitted to a Snarkpit competition. You play as Gordon Freeman on your way to what looks to be certain death.
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Try, Try Againfor Half-Life
“Guess what? Gordon got himself another job! And once more it’s a high Tech low profile kind of thing at another secret location somewhere in the Arizona desert. Some people just never learn, do they? Unfortunately, Gordon’s old army buddies got wind of his new job and following the saying “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”, have decided to do everything in their power to make Gordon’s first day at work a very very VERY bad one. As I said before, some people just never learn…”
Total Downloads: 2,14025th June 2011
and 16 recommendations, 8 say "Play It Now!"
Trigger Happyfor Half-Life
A simple idea: A partially-random level each time you play.
There’s no story or abckground, just slightly different enemy placement and layout on every playthrough.
Total Downloads: 1,45913th June 2011
and 12 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
Runaway Trainfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
You find yourself on a runaway train. Nothing left to do but work your way to the front – if you can!
Headcrabs and Combine soldiers try to stop you.
Follow the path in and on the train until you meet you final foe.
Total Downloads: 2,36811th January 2012
and 21 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Beginningsfor Half-Life
A couple of BM-style levels made to help the author get a job, which he did.
I don’t know if there were issues at the time of its release, but playing it on the latest version of Half-Life 1 via Steam is almost impossible without cheating. There is a fan that seems like it can only be passed by no clipping and the level crashes when you enter the dark room. Loading the second level manually means you must give yourself the suit and weapons.
When I reached the last image there doesn’t seem as if there is anything left to do.
Total Downloads: 2,47814th June 2011
and 14 recommendations with no significant bias
Black Deathfor Half-Life
Description A Russian mod that I have yet to play. The ReadMe is all in Russian so I can’t tell you much. You’ll just have to play it! Basic Details Title: Black Death File Name: hl1-sp-black-death.7z Original File Name: black-death.rar Size : 50.7Mb Author: Black Death Team Date Released: 14 October 2004 PlanetPhillip Download Servers… Read More
Total Downloads: 2,18726th March 2006
and 8 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Beastiefor Half-Life
About Kyle recently sent me this file and I had never heard of it. Eager to play I fired up Half-Life and was pleasantly surprised. This map has lots of bad points but the good points easily outweigh the bad. There’s no story but the cut scenes are quite funny. The map was previously mentioned… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,13725th January 2006
and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Alien Blastfor Half-Life
Description A Half Life mod with no story. Just pick up a gun and test your skills! 6 stages with different enemies in each. Background music will set the mood for playing this awesome game. See if you are the Half Life expert you think you are! Good luck! Basic Details Title: Alien Blast Filename:… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,19825th July 2005
and 8 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Typical Disaster: The Lost Levelsfor Half-Life
Have you ever wondered what would happen in Typical Disaster if it hadn’t ended it after the last “office” map?
If you have, you’re in luck, because you’re going to find it
out right now!
In the ventilation shaft Gordon experienced another teleportation and lost almost all his weapons.
Now, there is blockage behind him, so the only way out is forward.
Total Downloads: 3,18515th September 2012
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Now!"
Seizure Of Powerfor Half-Life 2: Episode One
You are sent to a base on Mars and have to fight the Combine.
Eli and Alyx help you and Dr. Kleiner appears at the end to teleport you out of harms way.
Total Downloads: 2,65925th September 2010
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Total Downloads: 2,58814th June 2008
61 Comments and 23 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"