Standard Deviation

Releases with the most deviation or consensus

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The Extraction Point

for Half-Life 2

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Starting in a small room, you need to work your way to the extraction point on the roof.

You will encounter plenty of Combine soldiers, and a few dropdown turrets, a hidden panel and one zombie.

Don’t worry about the screaming girl; you can’t reach her – or can you?


Total Downloads: 1,74814th December 2009
9 Comments and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"

Half-Life: Crowbar-Deep in the Dead (Demo)

for Half-Life

Half-Life: Crowbar-Deep in the Dead is a complete re-imagining of the first episode of DOOM (1993), taking all of the original levels from Knee-Deep in the Dead and remaking them in the style of Half-Life and its many expansions.

Take control of Dr. Stan Blazkowicz, a Black Mesa engineer thrust into a fierce battle for survival as he fights off hordes of aliens and military troops, shooting and blasting his way through some of the most iconic levels in FPS history. Will you live through this alien hellscape long enough to see tomorrow, or will you be just another body strewn about in the ruins of Black Mesa?

Note: this release is a demo including 4 playable maps. Unfortunately the full version of Half-Life: Crowbar-Deep in the Dead is now on indefinite hiatus.


Total Downloads: 1,49327th November 2020
29 Comments and 11 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Back on Track – Map Labs #9

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

The latest Map Labs challenge is Back on Track, where the challenge was to create an interesting way to have the player backtrack through an area or even the entire map – a classic map design pattern. Yep, somewhat in the vein of BackTrackVille but certainly its own challenge. (But the next full Map Labs challenge is a collaboration with us here at RTSL, so keep your eyes out for that!)

This time there were a whopping 19 entries (including bonus maps, and a fantastic background map). Enjoy!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord!


Total Downloads: 5,41917th June 2020
25 Comments and 11 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Prototype 98

for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

You wake up in a bedroom, after volunteering to become a test subject in some form of experiment related to The Black Mesa Research Facility.

Follow the instructions and perform the tests with intelligence, creativity and diligence.

You will be rewarded at the end.


Total Downloads: 5,92724th February 2013
15 Comments and 11 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

A classic “escape from Black Mesa” mod.

Taking you through a variety of different areas, you encounter stiff opposition to your progress.

Freedom awaits for those smart and brave enough to continue forward.

Good Luck – You’ll need it.


Total Downloads: 4,10521st April 2014
17 Comments and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

” You play as a Resistance member who finds himself in a mysterious place with no idea how he got there.”

Explore carefully as you never know what might be around the corner.

Keep your wits about you as nothing is as simple as it seems.


Total Downloads: 2,2857th April 2015
29 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

BM Overtime

Although Gordon managed to survive the resonance cascade and escape the laboratories, the situation was rapidly deteriorating.

His only hope of reaching safety was the Black Mesa Transit System.

Typically the one available tram was on the far platform. With the bridging offices becoming increasingly overrun with hostile lifeforms Gordon would have to work overtime if he was to make it.


Total Downloads: 1,7223rd September 2016
10 Comments and 6 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Sector 2: Intelligence

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

You are part of an organization called “Intelligence” and have been sent in to launch a rocket carrying a satellite array.

Your first task is to prime the rocket and then launch it.

Expect some resistance. Fortunately your pistol has been upgraded.


Total Downloads: 1,61221st September 2013
6 Comments and 6 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"