You awaken on a floating island with no clue as to what is happening…
It’s not until you reach the mainland that you find out what’s really going on.
But is it real?
Author’s Notes “Competition 24 entry: I realized too late that I didn’t compile my entry right for the compo. Here is how it’s supposed to look. Black ops are after an artefact. Barney send you in to retrieve it. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 9 recommendations, average… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,06126th December 2007
and 9 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
About This is another mod made by a group of students. These mods, and I will be adding one-a day for the next few days, are appearing more and more. As with many of these types of mods, the “feel” is more about experimenting and testing than actual gameplay. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice… Read More
Total Downloads: 78419th July 2007
and 9 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"
A simple objective: Find the portal to escape the base.
Beware there are a LOT of grunts trying to kill you.
Can you survive? I doubt it.
Total Downloads: 1,91820th November 2010
and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"
These short 2 maps came second in TWHL’s Test Chamber Mapping Competition back in November 2005.
You play no part in the introduction of the sample at the beginning but once the shit hits the fan, it’s up to you to find a way out.
I accept that there is no combat in these maps and therefore technically they shouldn’t be listed on the site, but I felt there was enough puzzle elements ad the fact that it’s set in Black Mesa was justification to include it.
Total Downloads: 1,36814th October 2013
and 5 recommendations with no significant bias
Take a stroll through Black Mesa, do Dr. Arne Magnusson a favour and then take a ride on the transit system – that is if you can get it working!
But wait! There’s a little detour you have to make before you can continue.
Good Luck.
Total Downloads: 1,85017th March 2012
and 5 recommendations with no significant bias
You start outside a large mansion and your objective is to reach the G-Man.
Of course you need to find the right door and the right room, so start searching each room carefully for clues and keys.
Play with the lights out to get the best from this map.
Total Downloads: 1,34511th July 2009
and 5 recommendations with no significant bias
A fun map without any enemies. The purpose is to drive around in various buggies and use the ramps to do some acrobatics. The better you are the more ramps are made available to you.
Total Downloads: 92821st May 2008
and 5 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Basic Details Title: Breakdown 1 File Name: hl1-sp-breakdown-1.7z Original File Name: breakdown.exe Size: 3.40Mb Author: Pavel Koten Date Released: 16 August 2002 PlanetPhillip Download Servers PlanetPhillip.Com Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 5 recommendations, average score: 3.2 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1.76 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 1,4902nd April 2006
and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
About Somewhere in the desert is a facility called TYS. In this facility people can test their skills. You are one of the participants and have to complete two Levels. The first level tests your abilities. This contains jump, speed and tactical tests. The second level deals with grenades. You have to complete some accuracy… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,06610th September 2005
and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"
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Total Downloads: 1,66827th September 2010
21 Comments and 9 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"