A small map made for a competition. As you can guess from the title, it is supposed to be scary.
After starting in a small room, you make your way through a larger building.
The question is, where do you finish? The place your started?
“Infiltrate a derelict space station in order to restore power and rescue a stranded scientist.
Even with her help, escaping the station alive won’t be easy.”
This is a partial conversion, meaning some of the original HL2: EP1 assets have been changed.
Total Downloads: 1,97722nd April 2008
and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
From the Read Me: “Orion is the facility that formally was known as Black Mesa. It started up again 3 years after the incident…” Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 8 recommendations, average score: 3.38 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1.73 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 71126th January 2008
and 8 recommendations with no significant bias
Alright Gordon, the Combine may not rule our planet any more, but they still dwell in many areas. We have confirmed the location of a militia that is taking hostages. They are in a warehouse in a war torn city. They aren’t demanding anything so we better just move in…..
Total Downloads: 1,01112th April 2008
and 11 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
You start in a small storage room and have to work you way out.
There is a larger outside area where you battle Combine soldiers and a hunter-chopper, that takes a lot of hits to bring it down.
After that you are off for a jump puzzle.
Total Downloads: 1,21114th August 2018
and 17 recommendations with no significant bias
You start off in your bedroom and a noise alerts you.
You are kidnapped and then forced to fight your way through the research facility.
Be careful, enemies are stronger and not everybody is as they seem.
Total Downloads: 2,3243rd August 2011
and 17 recommendations with no significant bias
“The story is based on the assumption that there might be several secret entrances to the Black Mesa Facility. You are a complete stranger to this as you wander around trying to find help after a car accident (this is at the same time as Gordon Freeman tries to escape from the complex). Unfortunately you run up against some marines sent to guard one of these entrances. It seems that the only way to get out of this terrible mess is to fight the grunts…..”
Total Downloads: 2,1451st July 2011
and 17 recommendations with no significant bias
“One of Gordy’s alternate adventures finds him in the company of a small group of scientists and a few barneys holed up in a cement bunker deep within the bowels of Black Mesa. It is shortly after the resonance cascade and as all hell breaks loose around them, they seal off the few exits, determined to work on solving the mess they’ve gotten into.
Total Downloads: 1,95924th July 2011
and 18 recommendations, 9 say "Maybe?"
“The past is far away… The atmosphere of the earth is almost destroyed because of many terrorist chemical experiments. You’ve joined a group.. OBJECTIVE: Shut down or destroy terrorist chemical devices You were sent on a mission to take down the terrorist waste complex. But you were delayed! They put you in prison. You must find a way out of there fast before they eliminate you! Seek help. You may encounter some other dudes. But don’t shoot everything down, it might be friendly! We believe you can do it!”
Total Downloads: 2,79417th July 2011
and 18 recommendations with no significant bias
This mod is July’s featured mod in the The Ville Restropsective.
GravityGunVille was a mapping competition that required entrants to make maps that featured the Gravity Gun and one other weapon.
This mod contains 9 entries and most entries decided to focus more on puzzles than combat.
Let’s get straight to the point…
Total Downloads: 3,8945th July 2015
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
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Total Downloads: 1,30026th September 2009
10 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"