Finding yourself within the catacombs you decide to look for a way out (As if you had any other choice!)
The way is perilous and Indiana Jones could be around the next corner!
Don’t be afraid of the dark corners, only your fear limits you.
Basic Details Title: Game Star File Name: hl1-sp-game-star.7z Original File Name: Size : 1.09Mb Author: Petr Skovajsa Date Released: 12 July 2001 PlanetPhillip Download Servers PlanetPhillip.Com Screenshots Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,2901st January 1998
and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
A simple area with a few enemies trying to stop you from opening the main area.
Once you are in there, get ready for a tough fight.
Good Luck!
Total Downloads: 9066th March 2016
and 13 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
A set of maps, including a training room, which lead you through a variety of locations.
You need to reach the bomb – I don’t know if you must disarm it or set it off.
Anyway, things don’t end well – do they ever?
Total Downloads: 2,0154th July 2011
and 13 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
A Ravenholm-styled map where you get a little help from Father Grigori.
Total Downloads: 9349th April 2008
and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Can you reach the end without cheating?
Total Downloads: 2,53628th June 2009
and 15 recommendations with no significant bias
There’s pretty much nos tory to this one. Get from where you start to the Antlion Guard arena and kill everything in your way.
Solve the puzzle to get the HEV suit and things get even harder after that.
Alyx and some squad friends make life a little easier for you. Don’t forget to thank them.
Total Downloads: 2,18012th April 2010
and 19 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
“It is sometime after the events of HL2:EP2 (where have we heard that one before!?)
An early morning mission sees Gordon assaulting a facility overrun by zombies.
The Combine are thin on the ground, they are forced to leave some strategically important assets undefended.
Rebel intelligence has identified one such location, a Combine dark energy reactor retrofitted inside an abandoned Soviet missile base.
A crack team of Rebel special forces was sent in but are assumed dead because we have not heard back from them since.
Be careful, there is only one viable way in and out.
You are to go in, find access to the reactor, thought to be on the lowest levels of the facility and find a way to destroy it.
Intelligence suggests that a series of beams keep the spheres stable, so disabling these should eventually lead to a core meltdown.
Once you have disrupted the reactor, make it back to the extraction point.
We are counting on you, Doctor Freeman.”
Total Downloads: 1,06131st March 2018
and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Teleported into a Black Mesa style base, you need to work your way through the accessible areas.
You will encounter a variety of enemies.
The G-man is watching you.
Can you meet his expectations?
Total Downloads: 1,60715th February 2015
and 8 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
You find yourself alone on a drifting spaceship.
Explore as much of it as you can.
Think twice before pressing any buttons and don’t forget to look in the hold.
Total Downloads: 2,29919th December 2011
and 8 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 1,4102nd July 2011
11 Comments and 9 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"