Starting in an abandoned house, you collect you weapons & ammo and try to defend yourself.
You seem to be surrounded by a never-ending hoard of zombies.
How many can you kill before you die or get bored?
Basic Details
- Title: Zombie Survivale
- File Name: hl2-sp-zombie-survival-v3.7z
- Size : 2.11MB
- Author: Philip9543
- Date Released: 11 May 2014
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Manual Installation Instructions
- Copy the zombie_survival_v3.bsp file into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\maps\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map zombie_survival_v3 and press ENTER.
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Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 0 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 12 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by KaptainMicila
Longest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Neo Kabuto
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 48 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 0 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 12 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by KaptainMicila
Longest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Neo Kabuto
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 48 Mins
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There’s nothing particularly interesting about this simple never-ending map. if you enjoy the long-term challenge of surviving and reaching totals, then you might enjoy this but the actual layout coupled with the darkness didn’t really excite me.
My kill total was 1,500,599,463,587,355,299. Can you beat me?
Using Gauge
14 Minutes
This map itself is pretty nice (not amazing, just done well overall), but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. The only thing the map offers is endlessly respawning zombies (and only normal zombies, at least as far as I got) and endlessly respawning weapons (to keep things fair, I guess). I got bored after 100 kills.
It really just needs some sort of progression to be fun. I always hated L4D’s survival mode, since it’s hopeless (you’re doomed from the start) and repetitive (you’re in the same spot, likely with the same weapons until you die), just like this map. This map should’ve aimed to be more like CoD’s Nazi Zombies mode. Killing the zombies should give us some other reward than a bigger number, even if it’s just that new regions of the map to explore (with more weapons) are locked until we kill X zombies. The Let’s Build custom maps for L4D would also be a great place for this author to get inspiration from. They still focus on surviving endless hordes of zombies, but you have an obvious goal and can use your kills to get a leg up against the undead.
Playing this map, I really thought it was a missed opportunity that this wasn’t used for some sort of Walking Dead roleplay server in Garry’s Mod or HL2:DM. There are a lot of places that look like good spots for a survivor to hide in, but the gameplay doesn’t make it matter unless there’s ammo inside.
Using Gauge
15 Minutes
I want to take a stand, and differ my recomm. from those all Maybe? ones. That’s been said, I think this map is just nice in its design and environment, with overall spooky atmosphere, but despite that, the gameplay is just not fair in a HL2 scenario.
I have to say, shoot zombies in a barrel (which I think is the perfect description for this mod), is not at all my ideal HL2 of fun. So possibly the concept in this map took some inspiration from L4D saga, but if you really want to battle some endless hordes of zombies, stick with any of the 2 L4D games, and sure you will have a lot more fun than you have in this map.
Anyway, and however I think this map would be interesting to play in GMOD. Just to test some weapons it can be fantastic. and possible as a test weapons map have lots of potential, so I personally recommend you to install it and load it in GMOD, test some awesome custom weapons in there and just have some sandbox fun! Because just like it is in here is pretty damn boring, sorry but that’s all.
Using Gauge
15 Minutes
Thinking this was a silent-hill type map, where you needed to find some secrets to open the locked door and win the map, this was just a surival map. Nothing more, with spooky fog and zombies. Just normal zombies.
6/10 would steal batteries for my suit from the supermarket in real life. Seriusly?
Using Gauge
4 Minutes
Nothing good to say.