Author’s Notes: “The original goal of Zombie Cleanup was to create a Half-Life 2 level that uses the crossbow in a unique way.
The overall objective of the level is to kill your way through three waves of zombies using a new and improved version of the crossbow called the !fire crossbow”.
The design of the level is quite simple with four main areas: the starting alley, the rebel house, the two side alleys where the zombies come from, and the storage room.”
- Title: Zombie Clean Up
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-zombie-clean-up.7z
- Size : 863KB
- Author: K. J. Brennan
- Date Released: 02 November 2010
Download directly into MapTap [863KB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy the ZombieCleanup.bsp file into your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\ep2\maps folder.
- Launch Episode Two
- Open the console and type map ZombieCleanup and press ENTER.
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
The playthrough/walkthrough below is provided by PlanetPhillip. See more of my playthroughs on this site: VP: PlanetPhillip.
Click on the tabs below to select the size of screenshot you would like.
All sizes are the same screenshots, just in different resolutions.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
1Last 7 days
4Last 30 days
76365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 3 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 12 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 6 Mins by ArctixSnowPup
Longest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by brianthesnail
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 12 Mins
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This is really more of a gameplay mechanic demonstration than a fun playable level. Yes, you CAN play it but whether it’s fun is up to you.
I found it quite boring.
For me, the mechanic is not the reason but the level designed around it and that raises all sorts of interesting questions and points.
No matter how cool or clever a mechanic is, if it’s not used in the best way it could fail.
Anyway, give this a go if you like to play everything, but be warned, it will probably take less than 10 minutes and half of that you won’t even be playing.
See if you can spot the Gman.
Using Gauge
12 Minutes
have you heard of “15 minutes of fame”.. well “zombie clean up” was “15 minutes of fun ”
graphically this was actually quite nice with everything in its place … but i have to agree with phillip .. this had more of a “demo” feel to it …and theres nothing here thats not been seen before …. but aside that it fun to play and is a ideal tool to pratice your zombie ( and zombine ) killing skills ! … maybe run this map prior to playing “ravenholm” in hl2 !
ive given it a play it later as it dosent deserve a maybe … i enjoyed it but theres nothing new of unique …. but well done to mr brennan ( ive just checked out your website ..some good stuff .. keep it up )
15 Minutes
As mentioned above, this feels more like a demo or proof-of-concept map than a real playable one. It introduces a nice twist on the crossbow, which sets enemies on fire when hit.
It’s a clever change to the crossbow but overall this map is just made to show off that change and not to incorporate it in a useful way. It’s nice to play with but not really worth your time.
First HL2 map review for me, I think.
Using Gauge
9 Minutes
I thought it was “OK” for what it intended to be, too short though. I’d say one to put on your list to play, sometime, just for the crossbow mechanic which is fun.
15 Minutes
To me this was a kind of: “shoot fish in a barrel” map, the main concept is the Crossbow that shoot incendiary ammo at zombies, and also red zombies that explode, this last thing a pretty cool concept.
But overall I think that’s all, it felt quite like a very passive defensive map without nothing much else to do.
I also think the developer wanted to try this explosive concept and use this map as a tryout, is quite fun, but for a very little time, and if you’re not that patient you may find it boring, so it’s up to you to try it.
Using Gauge
15 Minutes
A boring 10 minute waster.
The idea behind it is that you’re supposed to defend the rebel leader by the incoming hordes of zombies. You’re only weapon is a crowbar, but with a small different touch. It burns the zombies instead of killing them.
The problem with it is that it gets really boring. I didn’t even find the different mechanics any interesting.
Overall, if you want to kill zombies, then this is for you.
I think this achieved what was intended? A few minutes of zombie bashing using a new crossbow. It’s nice but I got bored running back ‘n forth along the platform and it was annoying to take damage when one explodes! Overall, this new concept was interesting, but it was quite badly executed as people have said already.
Perhaps this might have made a good sniper map picking off the onslaught from the comfort of a rooftop? I dunno, but running back n forth became the biggest bore for me as it felt far too restrictive. Zombie Clean Up is good for 10 mins of fun killings 😉
There is nothing good here in this part. And to make things worse is that the crossbow doesn’t kill zombies instantly. Why ignite them with fire if you could just kill them instantly with a regular crossbow bolt? Everything else looks bland, trying to get a Ravenholm vibe but it doesn’t do well with waves of zombies.
I’ve never liked waves of enemies and this is no different. At first it was alright, but then they just kept swarming me and I almost lost a few times.
Please think twice. This is the first map I actually didn’t enjoy at all. Usually I enjoy small, short maps. The crossbow doesn’t even one shot them like I expected.
6 Minutes