Xen Exploration Team

for Half-Life

16th January 2006

Sci- Fi Single Player First Person Shooter Games Half Life 2 Doom 3 Far Cry Unreal UT2004 Quake Mods

X.E.T. Xen Exploration Team
The mod XET is singleplayer and takes you on the roll of XET member Bill Freeman. XET is supposed to be the survey team mentioned late in the game and in parts of Blue-Shift. You will visit new parts of Black Mesa and old parts of it; you will, of course, also visit Xen. It will have new monsters, new weapons, and new maps.


Hmmmm… It wasn’t always like this, humans building colonies on Xen, at first it was a lot different… It all started with the top secret government facility called Black Mesa. Those scientists then stumbled upon teleportation technology and sadly, discovered Xen. At first it all went well with the founding of the Xen Exploration Team, or XET as we know it as, but after awhile the team got a little overconfident and then started to gather specimens a little to close to the alien borders. They say that during the invasion of Earth, all of the XET members were killed in the chaos. I, Bill Freeman, former XET member and colonist of Xen was only one of a few survivors, this is my story…

Basic Details
  • Title: X.E.T. Xen Exploration Team
  • File Name: hl1-sp-xen-exploration-team.7z
  • Original File Names: xet.zip, xet-wad-fix.zip
  • Size : 30.3Mb
  • Author: X.E.T. Team
  • Date Released: 25 October 2003
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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
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5 recommendations, average score: 3.4 (out of 5), standard deviation: 2.24 (what's that?)
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  1. Jazz man

    Missing Barney.Wad

  2. Jazz man


    Missing Barney.Wad
    Missing Opfor.wad
    Missing Poke646.wad
    Missing Banana.wad

    Don’t you just LOVE half-ass installers?

  3. Mel

    Hi, is this mod fixed with missing wads yet?

  4. bob

    this keeps having missing stuff you should fix it it looks like a great mod

  5. Have you even tried the patch?We dont fix mods.Try the homepage and see what they have to say.

  6. Too bad. It does crash at the first level_change. But to this point it looked awesome! Very god rating assured if the quality remains this hight. 😉

  7. Too bad. It does crash at the first level_change. But to this point it looked awesome! Very god rating assured if the quality remains this high. 😉

  8. piledriver

    Download the Demo file and unzip as usual. Download the Patch file, unzip, and put the files Barney.wad, Opfor.wad and Poke646.wad in the XET folder. (I assume the Banana.wad mentioned above is wit) 🙂 Put the XET folder in the Half-Life folder as usual.
    Only problem I had was map change from xet5.bsp to xet6.bsp on the train, where the game froze due to Freeman spawning in the train wall. To avoid this, enter noclip at the console just before the map change. Then exit noclip just after the map xet6 loads (otherwise you’ll have to fly after the moving train).

    Short demo mod. 9 maps. Two of which are combat on Xen. The first 6 maps are very like the original HL1, with lots of looking around a part of Mesa trying to find your HEV suit. A very long boring elevator ride (20 secs). A long train ride (like HL1) up to map 6. The Xen maps are, again, similar to HL1 where you jump around platforms in space to reach a portal, while hassled by aliens. The last map is you, stuck, back at Mesa, with a scientist saying “you look terrible’. Sound familiar? None of the gameplay, story or environment is very original and what there is seems to be well padded. The only good stuff is the use of rich textures, new HUD and a newish monster.
    This is a demo of what could have been a good, long mod, but as the website says….

    From the Website
    ‘Unfortunately, X.E.T. has been dead for quite some time now but a new project I’ve been working on has received much good praise in the form of Instant Messages. I personally believe it is far better than X.E.T. in almost every way. If you wish to check out the latest project I mentioned, go to Teh Lair of Teh_Freak at the following address: http://tehlair.symptcodesigns.com

    Also unfortunately, the above link is dead as well.

  9. piledriver

    I say old chap, no need to shout. Refer your good self to post 8, under the heading ‘sorted’.
    Everything you need is available via the download links at the top of this page. Jolly good show, what?

  10. HL Masta
    Play It Now!

    Short demo, new v_ physics, 9 maps, 2 chapters, allied grunts on Xen, Panther addition, chumtoad addition (Weapon and monster mabye), re-used un-used HL1 hev comments
    Mark 5 (Mark V) Hev suit isn’t pink, it IS shown in HL2 the Mark 5 HEV suit

  11. poisonheadcrab
    Play It Now!

    I hope somone tries to bring this mod back becouse it looks rely good.

  12. andrej

    when I tray to start the game I get this mesage
    WARNING:coldn’t open valve/barney.wad SOME HELP

  13. Gilfrarry

    Did you follow the instructions in piledriver’s first post?
    “Download the Patch file, unzip, and put the files Barney.wad, Opfor.wad and Poke646.wad in the XET folder.”

  14. andrej

    i download the patch and I put this files in XET
    folder i`m starting new game-LOADING and that`s it the game don`t want to start do I need to have oposing force for this

  15. Gilfrarry

    I don’t think you need Opposing Force, just its .wad file.
    It loaded for me but kept crashing at apparently random intervals in the first map until I changed spirit.dll to hl.dll in liblist.gam, and copied hl.dll to \Half-Life\XET\dlls\.

  16. TheRipper
    Avoid It!

    Well, the new HUD is no improvement. It’s hard to read and gets in the way. The new monster isn’t new, it’s the boss monster from Azure Sheep.

    The only good stuff is the use of rich textures, new HUD and a newish monster.

    And it sucks. It shoots deadly bolts when you’re in front of it, but ignores you when you walk past it. The architecture is messy, just a jumble of corridors, doors and elevators. One elevator had a side door! Next to the front door. The jumping puzzles make you wanna poke you eye out, so annoying. It all looks very amateurish. And don’t say: “you couldn’t make it’, because that’s not the point..

  17. tommy

    it sounds like a peice of poo with all those missing files, an ignorant boss, and TERRIBLE architecture. At first it sounded good, but now I won’t touch it with a hundred foot pole.

  18. slyr

    wheres the custom games button?

  19. slyr

    nvrmind, found it. but I can’t open XET.wad. is this a problem with the game, or is it my computer?

  20. Gilfrarry

    Slyr, do you mean the game crashes with the error message that it can’t open XET.wad, or do you mean you’re browsing the files on your computer and can’t see what’s inside XET.wad?

  21. Gonome

    Damn… good start… dead end…

  22. Teh_Freak

    Oh wow, I didn’t realize that people were still *trying* to play this. It’s been what… six years now? Anyway, I’ve played through the demo recently and hated that HUD and the “test chamber” area, what the hell was I thinking? Oh well, the loss of the files that caused the death of XET was a real bummer, I had finished all the coding that was needed and just had to get some mapping done. It was quite the learning experience though, I may fire up Hammer sometime and go for a mappack, who knows.

  23. HL MASTA

    Hm, okey, im recovering from a pc crash but I cant find XET >_<
    Update: Find a new link to XET demo and try it with original HL SP.

  24. 2muchvideogames

    Yeah, I think this one is not workable with steam.

  25. Maybe?

    I was at the part where I was to go in the teleporter in the beginning but every time the game crashes. Unfortunate because the mod looked fun.

  26. I just finished this demo. Not much to say, it was short demo. Would not have taken so long to finish, but for some reason i had lots of problems in Xen. Failed oh so many jumps, i wasnt in my Super Mario mood for platforming.

    Btw, is there any way to kill Panther Eye or did i miss something?

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