Starting in a storage area, you enter the main part of the building via a lift.
After getting your suit, you travel to Xen and must reach the top.
Beware headcrabs, vortigaunts andn Alien grunts will try to stop you.
- Title: Xen Again
- File Name: hl1-sp-xen-again.7z
- Original File Name:
- Size : 321KB
- Author: Jack Potter
- Date Released: 03 April 1999
Download directly into MapTap [321KB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy the xenagain.bsp folder into your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\valve\maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 1
- Open the console and type “map xenagain” and press enter
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
The fie above comes with a grid view icon. To use it, select “Grid View” in Steam (top right corner). Make sure you have saved the image to a location on your computer – you can’t use it from the compressed archive directly. Right click on “Xen Again” and select “Set Custom Image”. Then browse to where you saved the image and choose it. Then click “Set Image” and that’s it.
Of course, you can create your own custom image if you prefer.
Click on the tabs below to select the size of screenshot you would like.
All sizes are the same screenshots, just in different resolutions.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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88365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 6 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 7 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by Unq
Longest: 0 Hours, 12 Mins by PlanetPhillip
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 50 Mins
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How do you run this mod, it did not have a readme
A very very very short level. You can clearly see two things: The designer was able to learn about triggers fast, and he also did know how to use them to form gameplay. But you can also see, that he has absolutely no practice with brushwork, and so, the levels are really ugly.
The lightning was way to strong and dominant, brushwork is getting better at the end. You basically run around, getting your weapons and equipment together, are transported to xen where you fight a dozen aliens and someone the level ends mysteriously.
Not totally ugly but anyhow another “my first map”-submit. Don’t play it unless you have to (perhaps because you lost a bet or something) …
someone = sometimes
Very short 1 map mod. No pretentions. Lovely textures and colours. Some new ideas.
it’s not everyday that I use the gauss because I’m so flipping conservative with good weapons, but this map lets me use the gauss liberally.
Well, this is not the greatest HL map you will play today but considering it’s nearly 15 years old, we can’t complain too much.
There’s too much wrong with it for anything other than MAYBE.
Try and play it with just the crowbar.
All in all a very average release.
Using Gauge
12 Minutes
Well this map was really quick for me, partially because it’s very small but also because I just watched Phillip play through it on Twitch.
Hidden in the readme is your goal: destroy a piece of equipment stolen by the Xen aliens to use against us. I barely even noticed it, you’re given the gauss gun and I inadvertently blew up the equipment simply because it was behind an alien grunt that I shot through with the gauss. Mission accomplished I guess.
It’s a very poor version of Xen we see here. It’s blocky, poorly textured, and doesn’t even have low gravity – it’s totally missing any of the ambience or mystery of Xen.
Even back in 99 this was a poor map. It’s not godawful, it’s just not worth your time.
4 Minutes
MEH!! Overall this was my general reaction after playing this map. I know it’s been done like since a million years ago, and back then it may have been quite fun or interesting to play… But here now there’s a little to be impressed about.
I know the map overall aims to look like Xen, but it was not a xenian level at all I mean the absence of normal “earth-like” gravity is not there at all, I mean gravity is the same in the alleged start base and in the Xen level, and also those texture really didn’t feel like xenian normal textures.
In conclusion play it as the recommendation says, only if you are a real fan..
8 Minutes
A short map that tries to tell a story but fails.
It only deserves a 2 at most because while it feels like an old quake mod it tries to be like half life, for an early 99’s mod( there are much worse).
There’s blocky constructions everywhere and xen is badly textured. The lack of sound is also what kills most of it. I tried it because I was curious about the rainbow of recommendation ratings given to it.
5 Minutes
CTD at the tram which came along after climbing up. it happened twice. Is that the end?
Thanks Phillip. I can rate it now, and its “not pretty” at all.
10 Minutes
It’s a basic incredibly mediocre map. Not a lot to say here.
Well, the story is that you have to destroy some kind of equipment because the aliens have it on Xen. Yes, Xen.
Xen is not a really pleasant destination for HL1 modding, and this one really shows. The textures are glitchy and blocky, not to mention that in Xen there’s not even low gravity, and the fact that you can only use the gauss gun there.
Also, the map crashed at some point, and so I couldn’t see much more of it. (if there is)
Anyway, play this if you’re REALLY bored. Otherwise, you better play something else.
Xen Again is a very brief level that does have some interesting design choices. Albeit crude I did find Xen to look suitably alien. Giving the player the gauss to use as their main weapon was a smart choice and helps set the map apart from most others.
Even though it’s very short, there are a couple of cool scripted sequences and when combined with the mappers visual interpretation of Xen these make the map worth the 5 minutes it’ll take to download, install and finish.
6 Minutes
Gauss Gun is considered also a suicidal weapon. If you are inside the pipe and charge it, you could even kill yourself because of the pull back effect. And charging is worst method because you lose time charging it unless hidden in cover. Still if you miss, charged shot goes missed too, what a crap! And if you charge while you are shot, you are losing health because you will take more time to kill it.
So why we charge? To deal max damage with a minimum ammo consumption. It is usefeul to destroy apache for example. But it is the worst fire rate / damage ratio in normal combats.
And normal shots, do more damage, has great fire rite, but the ammunition flies away like water.
What a weapon!
5 Minutes