Basic Details
- Title: World War 3 (Mission 3)
- File Name: hl1-sp-world-war-3-mission-3.7z
- Original File Name:
- Size : 4.73Mb
- Author: Unknown
- Date Released: 01 January 1998
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Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 17 Mins
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I would recommand to make a unique thread taking the full ww3 mission all together.
what ist this?
who is the download link?
(hehe I am german
i can not english)
This is a single player Half-Life map.
The link is on the right of Download
Talking about rough start, I died there so many times…
Decent new weapon models, I think those were ok.
But that mapping. Was just so strange. “Press this and that button and this and that happens”. Plus without any real story, I wasnt enjoying my time there. Im not saying that I was boring or anything, it just didnt work at all.
Author is Evan3k, who ever that is anyways, lol!
Evan3k’s previous two World War 3 missions (reviewed by Unquenque) were, in short, paragons of amateur mapping with boring gameplay and uninspired architecture. Mission 3, however, is a marked improvement in nearly every way. It still has plenty of room for improvement, but what’s here may actually, finally be worth playing.
One of the worst flaws in both previous missions was unnecessarily-difficult combat. That, however, is largely gone. A few fights still will test extreme tactic, but overall, combat is a lot fairer with more supply of weapons/ammo and better grunt placement. Still a gruntfest, but at least the design is improved for better enjoyment. One set-piece in particular is fiendishly hard – a series of sandy crests that lead to a tower armed with a rocket launcher, but at the same time can be undeniably fun.
But interrupting the fun every so often are the annoying cutscenes. Cutscenes should always be used with care because they interrupt gameflow; too many are used here. Level design shows more quirks in the highly linear gameplay and the architecture, which remains unimpressive (sometimes outright odd) with a number of distinct boxy areas. There is however more variation this time around with varied routing.
Still very rough around the edges, and in dire need of better thought-out level design, but overall Evan3k has managed to crank out a map pack with a good amount of entertainment value. Although a few combat-design flaws really get in the way, World War 3: Mission 3 is the best installment so far. Definitely worthy of a diversion.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Thursday, 29th November, 2001 by Calyst.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
29 Minutes
It’s quite challanging the first area. If you are patient sometimes the chopper blows itself against the mountain, this makes the area completly free of chopper. The laser on the tower is designed to damage overtime, it seems to not be able to target you directly, it moves around the area. The second area has a secret switch behind the portrait so you can fall into the pipe safely. Once below a couple of grenades are nice to avoid damage. Fighting rocket launcher from distance is useless, walking in zig-zag helps a lot to avoid all the hundreds of rockets it fires on you.
20 Minutes
I’m going to show myself up for having a terrible memory now, but I can’t remember if I’ve played the previous entries in this series, haha.
So World War 3: Mission 3 appears to jump around a lot, and it seems to be a series of missions rather than just a single one. At the start I’m driving a tank but need to proceed on foot because there are AT mines in the road. I’m not sure what this complex is that I am entering, but I kill all of the enemy soldiers in there, before I get captured. After breaking out of the prison, I fight to the surface and escape before my allies bomb the base, thinking that I’m dead. Then, I’m helping three guys invade Mexico by killing yet more soldiers and disabling a rocket tower.
Now, the trouble is that I’m not sure what the nature of this war is, or who is even involved, but it seems that we play a rather capable commando who is responsible for handling some missions entirely solo, often mowing down countless enemy soldiers. There’s surely a medal of honor in this soldier’s future.
Having said that, what we have here is a gruntfest through some very tight corridors, followed by another gruntfest in wide open maps with no cover. Neither work particularly well…
28 Minutes