Wolfenstein 3D Ep1 M1

for Half-Life 2

25th March 2007

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Author’s Notes

“Do the screenshots look familiar? They will do if you’re a gamer over a certain age. I’ve converted the entire first level of Wolfenstein 3D to Half-Life 2, with some texture modifications to “de-Nazify” the environment to make it publishable.”

“The mixture of HL2’s shiny graphics, and Wolf’s antiquated environment makes for a surreal level. Or, if you want a more retro experience, enter “mat_fullbright 1″ into the console to remove all this high-tech witchcraft, and make it like the Wolfenstein you remember.”

“Instructions – To use this in HL2, either dump the lot of it in your HL2 directory and let the folders sort themselves out, or you can manually put the .bsp file into your HL2 maps directory.”
e.g. …SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\maps

“If you don’t want the walls to look like pink-and-black chess boards, you’ll need to put the textures in the materials folder. The folder called “Wolf” contains all the textures needed for the map, MAKE SURE THEY STAY INSIDE THIS FOLDER! Put the folder itself into the HL2 materials folder.”
e.g. …SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\materials\Wolf

“Then, to run the map, go into the console and enter “map wolf1-1″, then relive those classic days of gaming.”

“If you’re having trouble getting them going, e-mail me at [email protected]
“If you want to use any of the contents of this on another project, let me know.”

Basic Details
  • Title: Wolfenstein 3D: Episode 1 Map 1
  • File Name: hl2-sp-wolfenstein-ep1-m1.7z
  • Size : 898.85kB
  • Author: Jimmy D
  • Date Released: 15 March 2007
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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half Life 1, 2 and 3
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  1. Mike S

    Five minutes of half-assed fun… I guess we should thank the author Jimmy D for showing us how far FPS shooters have come.

    As Samuel Goldwyn said, “Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.’

  2. short and sweet, look also for secret places should perhaps cahnge the combine model by some german military from rtcw or cod

  3. AI

    To Mike S, Nostalgia also depends on your age, I still have my “original Wolf” games and other addons! This was short “E1M1” but is was fun and updated, but true to Wolf! Too bad it ends so quick! BTW Mike S you have a nice and personal site.

  4. Fluffy demands nazies!

    I’m sure theres some german military models floating around somewhere. Not the Day of Defeat ones, nah, that’d be illegal.

  5. Mike S

    To Mike S, Nostalgia also depends on your age, I still have my “original Wolf” games and other addons! This was short “E1M1” but is was fun and updated, but true to Wolf! Too bad it ends so quick! BTW Mike S you have a nice and personal site.

    Thanks, AI.

    When I revisit old games I’m usually disappointed by them. I remember replaying Serious Sam after experiencing Half-Life 2. I used to love it pre-HL2. Post-HL2 I couldn’t stand it! I suspect I’d be similarly disappointed by Clive Barker’s Undying, another game I have fond memories of.

  6. AI

    I’ve still got all the Serious Sam series, they were just too cartoonish, Undying wasn’t too bad, after I got my 7800gs vid card I was able to kick up the quality, including the OLD Wolf and Doom! This mod brought back fond memories on how it all started!

  7. David

    I thought it rocked! Gotta love the old school Wolfenstein. I remember playing the demo on our Brand New 486. We didnt even have sound, just the internal speaker.
    Bringin back memories, Ill probably play this a few more times before I delete it!

  8. JimmyD

    Wow, all this appreciation. I did indeed make some brown-suited Nazis for this as well as the real textures for the walls. You can e-mail me if you want the real ones at [email protected]

  9. PatrikRoy

    Does headcrabs make “Woof !” when you enter a room ?

  10. glenn

    Great idea, and lots of nostalgia. Hope to see another couple of levels if you feel like it. Thanks, that was fun!

  11. Pingback: Wolfenstein 3D Mods 101 | ModInformer.net - Mod News, Gameplays & Reviews

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