This Test Tube (short challenge) asked authors to build a map only using 2 rooms, doubling the restriction of One Room. What counts as a “room” is pretty open, even allowing outdoor areas as long as it’s enclosed.
A whopping 27 maps were submitted, including 8 bonus maps. Enjoy the entries!
As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.
- Title: Two Rooms
- Filename: sdk-2013-sp-mlc-tworooms.7z
- Size: 580 MB
- Author: Gromit, Jancias, Supertoaster, Ian ‘Idolon’ Spadin, Test Pseudonym, Sam ‘Startacker’ Ricker, PercyVader, Redzombie18, Paragon, Ytteryer, sitkinator, Attack Slug, Steven Cabbage, Malavek, DeanAmythe, MrShank, Gravity Cat, Kralich, Clatronix, Matt71490 AKA Event Horizon, CertifiablyInsane, FreshFishy, Gameboy555, beefbacon, Layla, Muffin/Ashii, Fodderstompf, Metroham, Melomaniac
- Date Released: 30 June 2020
- Related: One Room
- Related: Halloween Horror 3: Bone Room
- Make sure you have the Upcoming branch of the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer installed in Steam and run at least once. (Properties – Betas – select upcoming from the dropdown list).
- Copy the tworooms folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- Two Rooms should now be listed in your Library tab.
If you decide to use the Per-Map Opinion Images, feel free to use the file below as a template:
Listed as they are displayed in the mod itself:
Kill Breen by Gromit
Vacant Job by Jancias
ShantyTown by Supertoaster
Short Throw by Ian ‘Idolon’ Spadin
Hydrogen Sulfide by Test Pseudonym
Maintenance Crew by Sam ‘Startacker’ Ricker
Three Rooms by PercyVader
Time to Get Serious by Redzombie18 & Paragon
Discords Got Rooms by Ytteryer
Dorr by sitkinator
Talisman by Attack Slug
Big Cleanup by Steven Cabbage
Industrial Fallacies by Malavek
Triggerman Turnaround by DeanAmythe
Mirror by MrShank
Collapse by Gravity Cat
Mirrorcle by Kralich & Clatronix
The Adventures of Craig Thorne by Matt71490 AKA Event Horizon
Categorized Disposal by CertifiablyInsane
Apartment by FreshFishy (bonus map)
Two Many Rooms by PercyVader (bonus map)
Multiroom by Gameboy555 (bonus map)
The Nest by beefbacon (bonus map)
Passage Way by Layla & Muffin/Ashii (bonus map)
Chumotov by Fodderstompf (bonus map)
lol by Metroham (bonus map)
Toxicity by Melomaniac (bonus map)
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
Each map has 5 screenshots. Thanks to ArctixSnowPup for providing the screenshots!
3Last 7 days
11Last 30 days
240365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 3 Hours, 47 Mins
Shortest: 3 Hours, 33 Mins by Ade
Longest: 4 Hours by Hec
Total Time Played: 7 Hours, 33 Mins
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In my opinion, there is no point doing a rating of any of these “Test Tubes”. Its like why I (and I’m sure most others) wouldn’t show up to watch some sports team doing their exercises.
I found six of these gave me some enjoyment, albeit all of them are so short I don’t consider them to be maps, just exercises/tests of some concept. And then there are the tests’ deadlines, which guarantees that.
Six out of 27 is less than 22% !
Of course this is subjective and your results will vary, but the POINT is, here are 27 mappers who are NOT making maps! And I can’t believe all 27 would refuse to make maps instead, if they weren’t diverted! In other words, IN MY OPINION, these tests are one of the reasons why the number of new maps has slowed to a trickle.
It used to be maps were made to proudly show one’s work to game players who admired those skills and appreciated the enjoyment they gave us ‘lesser mortals” 😉 Test Tubes has mostly eliminated that and turned it into what looks like periodic club house meetings.
Sorry for the rant, but this irritation has been building since the disappointment of the first one and every one since.
>> these tests are one of the reasons why the number of new maps has slowed to a trickle.
What an absolutely bizarre and off-the-wall opinion. And dead wrong in my opinion as a mapper and an advisor to the Map Labs crew.
Limitations breed creativity. Test Tubes like this are a prime example. They definitely don’t replace or override other works by the mappers who enter – they generally run about a week so making that statement is just wishful thinking that these contests (which usually have no prizes by the way) are in any way preventing these authors from making other maps. At worst they are VOLUNTARY distractions, at best they get the creative juices flowing and give would-be entrants a unique theme and deadline which are vital to actually releasing works in my experience.
Limitations breed creativity. Test Tubes like this are a prime example.
You may be right Sir… BUT only to some GENIOUS MAPPERS!! imagine how brilliant must a mapper be to craft an awesome entry like Big Cleanup in jus 1 or 2 weeks…
I gues NOT ALL mappers are going to get foster their creativity with those limits you mention.
As a pure gamer, I’d rather prefer a modder take his time to develop an awesome mod no matter if it took him years, and Cry of Fear I guess it could be an example of what I am thinking.
Also, the guy who did “Cold Hard Steele” is an utter genius.
And I would expect at least his whole CHS saga would be launched as a stand-alone full mod that contains the whole episodic progression…
I hope RTSL would encourage him to launch it as a full modding title, that would be a great way to actually have some old-school releases every now and then, as also some other cool entries in these labs and tubes, would also be totally worthy of being developed further.
I“IN MY OPINION, these tests are one of the reasons why the number of new maps has slowed to a tickle.
It used to be maps were made to proudly show one’s work to game players who admired those skills and appreciated the enjoyment they gave us ‘lesser mortals” 😉 Test Tubes has mostly eliminated that and turned it into what looks like periodic clubhouse meetings.”
Totally agree with this, and sorry if Unq just dislikes these opinions, he is in his total right to run this site however he likes, and also to support mappers the best he considers to do so.
But I just feel since we have this map-lab and tubes things, RTSL has quite lost a bit of its essence, which was to launch great finished maps and full finished mods, rather than mere tests, and competitions, sure with Phillip in charge back then we had the “Villes” which they were similar, but they were so much polished than most of this work in progress maps we just have now.
Nevertheless, I play them because even out of tons of unpolished ones that mappers should keep for themselves and their beta-testers, there are some of them that are just awesome, and I recognize that.
So my whole feeling is bittersweet… is like yeah we have tons of maps now in 2023… but at the cost of most low quality disguised as “creativity” standards. The fact is that out of 100 only 5 or 10 are awesome, and well I guess that’s the sweet part of the bitter one.
Dougjp, I completely agree. These test tubes just make mappers to not even finish their maps, which is a waste!
Yeah, me too, they weren’t even that good.
I haven’t logged in here to comment in a long long time. But seeing these discouraging comments after I just finished this map pack (on Twitch but I won’t shamelessly plug), I felt compelled to say something. And I sincerely hope no one alters my comment this time, please and thank you.
I can’t pretend to know when or how the Map Labs and Map Labs Test Tube started and everything they stand for. But the description does say ‘challenge’ and not ‘competition’. And the title does say ‘test (tube)’, as in here’s a sample of someone’s work. Just take it at face value. They’re not supposed to be finished, standalone projects. And I enjoyed all the packs I got to play. They made me laugh or smile, they made me think, they made me focus on staying alive or preserving ammo, they made me stare in awe, they made me want to load a save and try again for the 30th time. Sure, not all their entries are stellar but overall these are more than decent than some of the previous actual competitions.
After playing LVL2 – Map Labs #15 and this, I am also stunned by the sheer number of new mechanics that amazing geniuses managed to pull off as brilliant proofs of concept in this age old engine. And honestly, if any of the authors reads this, I would love to learn anything you can personally pass down as a Hammer/++ trainer.
These are great opportunities, be they challenges, or competitions which did not guarantee finished products either, but in some cases did guarantee the release of portions of maps that would otherwise not have seen the light of day. Without these opportunities the well did and will run dry from time to time, I completely disagree with the previous comment stating these are to blame for few new maps. Just months ago I ran out of SP maps and mods to play and was sad, and now I am super happy to come back to this website to find over a dozen new posts to play! And it’s not a matter of I’ll play anything, not by far. Definitely not a die hard fan and will move on if an entry crashes too much or is not up my alley. But a fan nonetheless. Going ‘holy heck, there’s good releases still, in 2023!’
The good entries here will be the ones that make you go: ‘you’re on to something, keep at it’, or ‘I want to see more of that’, or ‘tweak this and you got yourself a deal’.
3 Hours, 33 Minutes
Well, too many entries in this map lab competition. So many, that I guess that is precisely the main problem with this mapping competition.
Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that we don’t have great entries, as some of them are quite outstanding and even innovative in terms of gameplay. Also, some were quite fun to play along with the gaming challenge they bring.
I guess in my opinion, “Big Cleanup” totally deserves the winning position as it was a neat clever concept, that for some players may be frustrating to play, but let me tell you it is actually beatable and highly satisfying to complete after a couple of frustrated attempts.
The next in the row of excellence would be “Talisman” as it was a pretty nice concept and a very cool scenario, these two aforementioned entries are quite cool examples of how not necessarily combat maps are required to make good gameplay and I just loved that.
After these two the third best for me was “The Nest” as this could perfectly be a total “Eye Candy” map and gaming experience, as it has beautiful textures and a great environment in it, also the combat felt perfectly fit, although I’d love to catch that Advisor at the final scene.
The rest of the entries are just OK, but I warn You many of them are just quick maps that just felt very rushed, and many of them tried to compensate for that lack of actual content with silly jokes or stupid humor.
Also, I can’t finish this review pointing out “lol” or “League of Lazlo” as it was a brilliant attempt to emulate a strategy game on the source engine, I’d encourage this modern to actually develop this cool idea in the base of “Alien Swarm” Valve game, or maybe inspired on that HL2 strategy mod one modder once launched and I guess it is available on Mod DB. I have to mention that this game just crashed after I managed to kill 1 hunter with barney and a handful of rebels, so yeah that was a sad shame, but I loved the concept. I hope the author doesn’t trash it and perfection it.
4 Hours