
for Half-Life

22nd August 2011

My name is Jordan Freeman. My only family is my grandfather, Gordon, and he is old and sick.   Today the old man got up early,and woke me too…from the bad dreams I always have.   He took me up to the old closed area…people call it “Evil Black Mesa.”   For me it is not so bad a place.   There, I can be alone.There, the old man has taught me many things; how to handle weapons, rock-climbing, and other survival techniques.   Today he tells me my training is complete and I must begin my first mission.   I don't understand all his talk about a ”first mission” but I trust him and I listen carefully.   He says I must climb up the black wall, nearly to the top.   On the other side is a cave, climb down and find a way out and home.   Good luck and be careful, he says, as he turns to walk back down to our little village.

Important Notes

It is highly recommended to read the read me file (included in the file) BEFORE playing this map. It contains information regarding the software mode.
The author also states:
If you are a cheater and/or don’t like puzzles, or if you only like to run and kill things. Don’t play this small add on.
The puzzles can be difficult, but not impossible and to manage some of the combat, you must think on the puzzle.
Obviously when you drive the APC tank you must be in the driver’s seat or close to.

Known bugs

“It’s one known bug in the Timefall and it is in map fall11k Time teleport, if you have start up the progress to have the Apc tank in the portal before you have put on the main generator AND after that leaving the time teleport map same way you come in. Here you get problem in the APC tank when you shall drive up on the lift and raise the lift to the upper position. So the solution is: don’t leave the map same way you get in, you don`t need that. In the control room you get a list what to do, if you follow that list from 1 to 4 in the number order the map and the teleport works good.”

Basic Details
  • Title: Timefall
  • File Name: hl1-sp-timefall.7z
  • Original File Name: timefall.zip
  • Size : 8.86Mb
  • Author: Tommy Pettersson AKA Tlax
  • Date Released: 21 February 2004 (updated 8 April 2005)

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You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.

Manual Installation Instructions
  • Copy the Timefall folder into your Half-Life folder.
  • Restart or start Steam.
  • Timefall should now be listed in your Library tab.

If you require more help, please visit the Help page.


WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3 Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
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Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
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  1. I’ll upload it when I get home from work. I’ve also edited the link text.

  2. Sengoku

    Please !

    Have any this file in other Hosting Server, because FileFront not work in my Country.


  3. Sengoku

    Thanks andyb !!!

  4. TheRipper

    Well, this looks like a good mod. It’s about puzzles, at least in the beginning. The first one is challenging, but there’s a hint in the readme. Now I’m in map 4d, and i’m stuck in the second puzzle, the one with the buttons and switches and the water falling (image 4). There’s a walkthrough on his website, but it’s in swedish…

  5. Ade

    Sry for the late answer.. exams are coming 😐

    As you start 4d, go down the first ladder and turn the valve that says sump control to open the floor where the big water’s falling. Go through. Pull the switch that says sump control then up the ladder, but not to the top, just a bit lower (Level X). Pull a switch that says maintenance access to open the grate at the top of the ladder then go up. In the control room, just push the button on the left to switch the catwalk on which 2 slaves are walking. Now go back to the first floor through the door in the Level X, walk to that double waterfall, swim up. Catwalk, ladder, next map.

  6. TheRipper


    Thanks, again
    Actually I’d done all that… only in my case the walkway didn’t turn… You can tell if it’s in the wrong position because once it’s turned the alien slaves walk away… Anyway now it did.
    But now I’m stuck 2 maps later, in the elevators ection. I found the keycard in the locker, restored power to the lab elevator, but that will only allow you to look into it. It doesn’t open far enough to go in. Also from the setup (and the swedish walkthrough)it is clear that you have to get in to the service elevator behind the kitchen. But how do I get in there?

  7. nige

    It’s been a while since playing this but I seem to remember climbing the barricade and jumping on a narrow ledge(if you lookup above the elevators you will see a red glow behind the vent)that is where you have to go

  8. TheRipper


    Nige, thanks. That’s the way to go. The keycard/ powering up the middle lift is superfluous as far as I can tell. You can get some bullets and meds that way, but you can just skip it…

  9. TheRipper


    So now I’m in the tank/teleport section. And the tank won’t drive in the teleport. I’ve done everything in the order as listed in the message, but it still won’t go. I know there’s a bug here if you do it in the wrong order, it’s in the readme file. So I did it in the right order. First I switch the generator on in the other map. Then I drive the tank in the elevator and bring it up. Then I go to the control room, and start up the teleport. Then it’s back again to the tank, where I open the teleport. Aliens beanm in, and I get in the tank. I try to push the button to get it to drive, but it won’t work. Anybody know about this? I repeat: this is not the problem as described in the readme file.
    This whole secton is rather buggy, by the way. The tanks hatches sometimes become invisible. Also I find the tank driver button somewhat suspicious. You can only push it once it seems. The light stays on, and it won’t respond anymore. Shouldn’t it go off, once the tank stops at the end of the elevator? You have to use it twice, because you have to bring up the elevator, in between the two drives.

  10. TheRipper

    Well, I’ve looked around the internet for information on this mod, and I’ve come to the following conclusion: The author says in his readme file that the bug (tank won’t move in the teleporter) is caused by a combination of (1) driving the tank before switching on the generator, and (2) backtracking to map 8, “cencom 3′. While I didn’t move the tank, I did backtrack to map 8, and even beyond that to map 7 ‘repair bay’. I was looking for the sewer access. Later I found the sewer access was in map 11 itself, ‘time teleporter’. So my conclusion is that backtracking 2 maps also causes this bug. This means that I’m stuck, since I don’t have any saved games from before that.
    If anybody’s got a saved game I could use, please make a post here… My only other option is to begin all over, and I sure don’t want to do all those almost impossible jumps to small ledges again…

  11. Ade

    if you’re still interested, here’s my quick save after the map I’m talking about in my last post, if it’s any help

  12. TheRipper

    Ade, thanks for your trouble, but this is 4 maps before my problem.

  13. Ade

    no trouble at all, I’ll try to come up with an answer tonight
    hope I won’t do the same mistakes u did and get stuck cus of a bug

  14. Ade
    Think Twice

    Well, this mod has a weeeird way of saving the games.. All the saves I’m loading now are without a suit. I’ve spent more than half an hour trying to figure out the problem and loading maps from other mods which are fine and comparing and.. no luck.
    I don’t want to start this from the top, either, so: sry again.
    I wouldn’t know how to rate it for I don’t remember much and I wasn’t impressed by it at all except the waterfalls and the river.
    Plain exploring and hard puzzles in the beginning and a bug with the saves (and the one in the readme) equal

  15. andrej

    TheRipper I had the same problem as you with the tank not driving in to the teleport because I want back to look four the sewer access as you.
    It looks like the mod is full of bugs (same problem Ade load game\no HEV )
    But I continued playing using cheats because this mod has interesting environments, good mapping, hard battles and hell of a puzzles (shame it has bugs)

  16. Mel

    Early levels confusion with some puzzles impossible without noclip. No combat until half way.

  17. wreade1872
    Personal Favourite

    Anyone interested in playing this heres translation of walkthrough into english, translated with an old fashioned paper dictionary (how primitive 🙂 ) as babelfish doesn’t do swedish. Maybe phillip will put it on his server. Heres temp links for now.
    http://depositfiles.com/files/1rruljhkq OR

    A great mod, just has a different feel to it than most other mods.

  18. wreade1872

    I should have added above that its a REALLY bad translation (even worse than babelfish :lol), but should be enough to get you through it, it worked for me.

  19. Personal Favourite

    Mann! how did I miss this mod … this mod is freakin” cool!! If you’re lookin” for a posible half life scenario this is surely 100% the thing for you..!

  20. 2muchvideogames

    the grunts have APC’s and tanks. Combat is intense.

  21. Phillip says Maybe

    OH BOY! Did I struggle with this one. I have the feeling that the author decided to make the route as obscure and as complicated as possible and he sure succeeded!

    In my opinion it was trying to be too clever and ended up being confusing and frustrating. You were never sure whether you were doing the right thing and had to hope that you were.

    I never got the APC tank to move into the portal, so gave up at that point. However, I had almost given up 3 times before that too.

    This is a mod to take your time with and make plenty of saves.

    I felt as if I had worked hard to get to where I had but none of it fun.

    I can’t really recommend this mod because I think so few players will A: enjoy it and B finish it.

    The English walkthrough linked to in an earlier comment is no longer available, but if anybody wants to write one I will host it here.

  22. I’m just about to download it but the Important notes and Known bugs do not bode well.

  23. Play It Later

    I finished it finally, well sort of anyway. I had to cheat twice because I couldn’t get Barney to open a door that controlled a gate, and also I couldn’t figure out how to get into the test lab at the end. The rest was pretty hard with difficult puzzles.

    To get the APC into the portal I followed these steps:

    1 – Start up the Unit 2 power system
    2 – Drive APC into elevator
    3 – Initiate the elevator with the button on the left
    4 – Start up the teleport system in the control room
    5 – Go Back to the elevator and hit the button beside the button you used to raise the elevator
    6 – Shoot the enemies
    7 – Enter the APC and close the back hatch
    8 – Drive forward.

    Does anybody know how to get into the test lab at the end? I am curious what the solution actually was.

    1. OK, managed to figure out that it took several blasts to get into the lab. I like the portal travel when you drive the APC; seems to mimic the movie “Contact”

  24. Time Fall Guide.
    Translated from http://www.freewebs.com/tlaxmaps/Timefall%20guide_%20Swe.txt with Google Translate.

    fall1a: Start.
    The game starts with you landing on a ledge. Wait out the text, then released you free.
    Begin descent, but cases are not, (autosave) there are ledges to jump to, some raging, and you fall a bit down to the next. Once you’ve hit bottom, there’s a small point in a block, take it. Start climbing up on the left side after you come through the short time, switch to the other side, and then diagonally back toward the main time, use the lap / jumps, follow the time until a narrow passage while the upper road, follow the time to map change.

    fall2b: The lady.
    Creep out of time (autosave) jump into the water to the right (west), there is a secret passage leading to a health pack, swim back and then go down the water drain into the pond, Into the house, you will by jumping up in the window, pushing forward and jump as crushed glass.

    Release of water to the water wheel by turning the wheel on the upper level, go down to the generator, wait 10 seconds, then on the generator, pressure is also on the buttons to the right of the generator, which is to the light and power to the doors, to come on.
    Up again and take the door out, walk diagonally across the pitch to the little waterfall, creep in under the hanging plants and delivery time, come to a small open area with a hole into the ground.

    From the door, it is an electrical wire, climb up as far as you come and look around, on the opposite side of the open area (the south) is a health pack, to reach the button that opens the door and you will climb up on the page HealthCare stick is. At the head in one corner are two blocks, start there and use the lap / hope. Climb up and then after the wall back toward the direction you came in, you’ll find a skeleton, a lamp and key to the door, pick up health stick on the way back.

    During the land you will find a locked door with a card reader, find the card.
    Continue through the next door, the card is up on the roof of the bunker house on a dead scientist.

    Go back to open the closed door with the card, next room is a change-Level hit the button and you change the map.

    fall3c: Back door.
    In the first room there are some health pack and a machine gun, open the big door and remove headcrabs four pieces, use the machine gun, you have to trick the two of them.
    Behind the truck is an explosive box, move it so you can shoot at it with machine gun, shoot it to pieces, move on to the next room and move the little box, jump down the hole, follow the time the new map.

    fall4d: Pan Controller.
    Follow the time, looking out to the waterfalls (autosave). To the right is a ladder down to a platform with a sign “Pan Controller” and a wheel button. Turn the dial and you hear a noise gate, the gate at the bottom of the water collector, is now open, jump down there, move on out of there and close the door behind you, take the ladder up. Once up, there’s a lever, turn it on and the gates opened / closed again, then on the main power in the electricity center, climb up (autosave).

    There is a health pack in the cabinet, go to the window, the bridge goes two ailen_slave and patrol, hit the button to the left when ailens is in time and turns, then turn the bridge into the right position for you. Climb down to the room below and go outside, down the stairs and out of time, go left down the hole look you back up to the bridge through one of the waterfalls, over the bridge, through the grille (autosave) until the well hole, climb up, at top fall to the chang-level, new map.

    fall5e: Old Sewerel labyrinth.
    Find your way to a waterfall that comes from above, behind it once with monster_barnacle from the roof, go in there, up and over the next sewer, watch out for more monster_barnacle. When you get to the fan in the ceiling so turn left at the end of time as a raging ailen_slave down behind you, run forward until he can not follow you more, then you can try to scare him away. He gets mad after a while if you follow after him.
    Look up to a larger room with water and a large pillar in the middle, avoid ailen_slave on the other side, they run away after a while.

    The pillar is a door and the door into the water, a hole to swim through, climb up.
    Go through the door and enter through the scanner, read by the main computer and obtain information why you are here, go back out of them shiny boxes are ammo, go out into the big room with green boxes, where you have three health pack, follow the ladder to the point where it is blown up (autosave), jump. But do not jump to the ledge where the ladder is, jump into the sewer under the ladder, crashing the grid with the hope, go in and look you up through the darkness to the room above. There is a health pack on the desktop. Move on one of the filing cabinets, where you’ll find a hidden elevator, go down, go out into the dark passage to the new folder. (There is a risk that the game can bug and then does not chang the student the first time. If you do not come on, upload the last auto hubs or quick mating and try again, then it has gone well through changeleveln).

    fall6f: Elevator level.
    Down time (autosave) jump in through the broken window, a health pack in the room and two charging stations for the health and HEV charging. Place them in memory until you get the HEV suit, hit the button on the screen and a camera goes off, after it opens Barney door to the next room. There are four buttons, one to the camera to the left, the two middle doors to the outside of the window, open the door and remove ailen_slave with takkanonerna, button to the right, then open the door with the last button, the cabinet there is a health pack.

    Then go back out, jump out the window again and turn right, Barney meet you and give you the coverage back, do as he says, use the cannon to the barrier.
    Look around (autosave), after you’ve been on the “right place” to open Barney door to a locker room, search through the cupboards, where you can find the card to the door that goes to the small reception area, go in and apply power to the elevators . It’s only the middle button that works. Go out and into the kitchen, look around, find the service elevator at the back, go back out to the main hall where the three elevators are, make sure that Barney comes with, now you can open lab lift a little and check out, enter it reaches you from the ceiling later. Above the elevator doors are two ventilation grilles, quite far apart, the right is a red light inside. You must be there. Climb to the stock and make a lap / jump up to the edge of the wall, in front of the grid will help Barney you, inside you’ll find a Crowbar.
    Then go to the second grating that leads you to the top of the elevator gallery roof, think about where you go, (autosave) when the second lift, you can open the sunroof with a stick (if you turn on power at the reception), jump down and pick some ammo, there are also two health pack.

    Exit the elevator, walk the same path again and now continues until the last lift, climb down the ladder and into the elevator through the roof, go out (autosave), on the right are boxes with two health pack in one and the second one shotgun with ammo. After you have made up with ailen_slave and headcrabbs so go into the space between the elevators, there are a number of boxes, above the large wooden box is a ventilation grate, where you should enter, jump off them lower drawers with lap / jump across the room to one of the boxes next to the wooden box, jump down behind and crawl into the hole, then up on the inside, the lid opens, the further into the ventilation, you reach a big fan, go with the air flow up, there are three channels, while the small , in the end turn around and jump and you’ll up and out.

    The next room is a rest room, turn left and you’ll find HEV suit to go out and then through the other door, then put Barney to open the door to the “Central ventilation”, push the gate open for ventilation duct, then go back the way to the top of the air stream, select it now opened the channel, Barney closes behind you. Take you to the next elevator shaft that is servicehissens, (auto save) go to monster_barnacle up, wait to kill it until you hear the door slam below for you. Climb up the ladder to the upper level and start the lift machinery. Climb down the elevator again, turn the lever above the door so the door opens and you can jump out. Press the elevator button twice to get it into position. Before you go down to fill the health and HEV power to the suit at the loading station located in the first room on mapen. Go down, at the first stop to go in and pick ammo, second stop jumping down through the hole in the elevator floor and floor drain out. Touch monitors, new map.

    fall7g: Repair Bay.
    Stand in a corner as far from the elevator as possible, so you will understand, then go on to the next room (autosave). There are three doors, pick the smaller to begin with, look around. This is where you leave mapen then, go back and enter the next door.
    To the left you have a room “observation area”, go in, the room are two health pak, the screen flashes a red light, please contact Dr. Newell. Follow the instruction, in other words, go down to the workshop where they picked apart the vehicles are, there is a health pack on one of the cabinets. In one corner is a gate that is now open, collect ammo and clearing the way into the corner, open the door to the sewer, then follow the sewer until you find the gun in the next room.

    Collect the ammo and battery to the costume and take you out through the wall, behind the wooden box that you turn down. Grunts and tank makes advance, remove the gruntsen and any ailens, collect ammo, health and the battery pack from the room as gruntsen came from. Go back to the room that leads to “Cencom bay 3”, press the new map.

    fall8h: Cencom bay three outside area.
    (Auto Save) There are Grunts, automatic machine guns and mines and health pack.
    Inside the door there is an alarm for machine guns (Sentry), they are one right and one left who can shoot with the sniper rifle without triggering the alarm. There is a big door, “CenCom Hign Security” and so on. with card reader, which you should, the card is at a researcher on the opposite side of the large circular room seen from the direction that you came into the room, open the door and enter, press the next button a new map.

    fall11k: Time Portal.
    (Autosave) Look up to the control room, where there is a health pack and a message, follow the instructions. To get to the teleporter area, there are two air vents on the sides of the control room. Climb out there and then go to the opposite side of the teleport, there is a ladder leading down into the interior of the building and up the elevator controls.
    Go down the ladder and around to the other side, on the road are two charging stations and ammo. Once you have gone through the last door, you have transport tank right behind a grate, smash the grid, running up the idea of ??the elevator, then go back around to the ladder and climb up to the elevator control runs up the elevator. Now you look up the generator, climb down into the center of the teleport, when the yellow crystal is a lattice, creep in there and on down the sewer, new map.

    fall10j Trap Country.
    Go in the water case (autosave), here are two roads that both lead into the middle of mapen.

    Road A
    I begin with the right, jump into the water and swim to the right. You come to a grate on the right side and a ladder up on the left side. In the room that you come up to a HEV battery. Go out the door and walk around the large pipe. On the gable is a gap, opening crawl in and break the next rack in the lower part and on down into the water. The next room is a ladder up to a healt pack. Swim forward and to the left through the bars, walk into the room. In one of the cells to the left is a dead scientist, and a message, read and follow the instructions. You’re inside.

    Road B:
    Jump into the water and turn left. You swim past the two ninety-degree bends, until you have a ladder on the left, climbing gently, picking HealthCare pak and HEV batteries from the drawers, go ahead. There is a small GUARDROOM on the right side with a health pack and two charging stations. Again, be careful. The door outside the guard room is opened from inside the guard room. Go out and you have a jeep straight ahead down the hall, on the right side is a nedplockat ventilation grills. This is where you then quit mapen, move on, next door is open, there’s a message and a dead scientist, read and follow the instructions. You’re inside.

    Go ahead and look around. You’ll find Barney, enter it takes you through the water channels under the floor. Pick up the key, the cell that you shall find behind Ailen slave, find cell6 and retrieve the card. Go back to the ventilation duct in the hallway with the jeep, climb up and into the last room, the left is a small store, pick ammo. Proceed to the new folder.

    fall9i Generator.
    There is a large gap left by the steering wheel, which leaves you mapen ago. Straight ahead is a store, pick ammo and a health pack, right, a door, smash it and jump down (autosave). You should be straight forward and the bottom railway tracks, smashing the doors on the other side of the track. You must also enter the left door, down the stairs (autosave), look around, pick guns, health and HEV battery pack under the stairs. Gruntsen pulls into the vehicle.

    After the battle, so shall you in to the generator which is at the well-guarded entrance, the one with the machine gun, on the other loading dock when the truck’s useful ammo and weapons. Turn on the generator and turn on the switch to Cencom3 (autosave) and recharge health and HEV power from the stations, then go up the elevator. (Here’s the classic Half-Life elevator bug, jump when the elevator stops as you fix it). Go down to tÃ¥gspÃ¥ret and download one of the rubbish bins to stand on to reach the door you came from. Once inside, so open the door and go to the new folder.

    fall8h: Cencom bay three outside area.
    Here you have been, go straight into the Time Portal. New map.

    fall11k: Time Portal
    Go to the control room and turn on the portal. Then go on to the elevator controls, turn on the portal’s last pin, take out the alien who comes in four pieces in two batches, use the machine gun on the tank.
    Run late tanker into the portal, its the driver or near. If there are still health and battery charging stations, so do not forget to fill up before running into the portal.
    New map.

    fall12l: Time Teleport journey.
    Go in and check out the situation.
    New map.

    fall14n: The Bridge.
    Here you will be hanging in the air while gruntsen do advance, wait until you fall, look for transport tanker lying on the ground, take yourself into it from below through the door, collect weapons and ammo, fuel health and HEV power to suit from the stations, wait out grenade explosions before going out again. Swim under the bridge, straight ahead, you have two sewer openings, where you will receive an HEV battery, right after the bridge, you have a downpipe which you should climb. After the battle, so look around, find you back up to the guard tower, at the steps beginning are charging stations for the health and HEV power.
    Remove ailens that come in via telephone ports, use the machine gun. The last monster is Garg (monster_gargantua), to kill the use tanks below on the field, saving the hand grenades, it helps if you have any left to the next map. Sentry box as “Garg” endorses going to shoot up with the idea. Follow Dr.Newell and Gordon, but fill up the first health and HEV power if there is anything left, go to the new folder.

    fall15o: Old teleport.
    Before the door is half open, there are two metal boxes that are adjustable, put them in memory. Creep into the door, if you are quick you will see Dr.Newell run around the corner down the hall. Follow after him, (autosave) door closes in front of you, do as Dr.Newell cry.

    The door straight ahead is pushed apart by a tank, then start shooting at you, inside is shallow and two machine guns and health pack. Use one of the boxes that are in the beginning of the corridor as protection when you pull up to the idea, shoot the driver first, crawling on behind the box up to the idea, if you have left hand grenades, it’s smart to use them now, there is a small blind spot for guns exactly in the tank cannon tubes “in the middle of the tank” from there you can shoot gruntsen the machine guns. After the battle, take over the tanker, to the right is a door slide down with the tanker and the panel prior to, jump in and go up to Dr.Newell, do as he says, fill up the health and HEV power before entering the portal new map.

    fall16p: New World.
    Look around, you might recognize you, press the only button available at the portal. Go to Dr.Newell and Gordon.
    Map end.

    The End

  25. Unq
    Think Twice

    This one is a bit of a mixed bag. It’s almost like a tale of two mods: the first half of the maps are puzzle-only maps, and then you finally get the HEV and weapons and it becomes more of a puzzle/shooter pack – and the quality goes up as well. I’d almost score these separately, probably 1 for the first half and 3 for the second half. If puzzlers are your thing you might enjoy the whole of Timefall (just keep the walkthrough handy).

    I’m not going to harp on all my issues with this pack – suffice it to say that even though you get several notes/updates on your various missions, the path forward is anything but clear, and that just frustrated the hell out of me. I needed the walkthrough a fair number of times to help guide me. But much of my frustration was that I felt like a lab rat that needed to hit various buttons in a certain order just to progress. Maybe a lot of HL maps can be boiled down to that, but in Timefall you have no weapon or HEV for the first 6 maps, so it’s basically all jumps and buttons. Not to mention that the flashlight would have really come in handy a few times in those maps.

    The maps themselves are pretty well laid out and pretty well built. There are many sections that loop back giving the maps a nonlinear feel and letting you collect health and armor later on if you don’t need them right away. Some paths you have to take are tight and claustrophobic, and you might need noclip here and there to free yourself. I was able to solve all the puzzles without cheating however (thanks vancanucksfan for the APC steps). So technically it’s solid, I just have issue with the game play and flow.

    I really think my frustration with Timefall stems from the author’s insistence that you do things the way he intended. This leads to odd solutions like needing to break some glass by walking into it (the readme says this is an old HL trick but that’s bogus). It’s a puzzle mod for sure, with some really tough combat thrown in the final maps.

  26. Hec

    Maybe just before the Trap mod would exist, this mod we’re reviewing was the best mod for puzzles ever made for hl, but just right after the Trap. this stays is in a really far away 2nd place!, over all I have a pretty frustrated feeling after finished thisone, I used alot of cheats to keep moving on and I think this is almost impossible to beat without a decent walkthrough thank god we have it right here now. Maybe in some further months i’ll reconssider play this again without any cheat and just using only the guide to solve it, the design of the mod and the textures are perfect and also I loved the sniper riffle and the availability to use mounted guns, the tank was inovative but really short when u use it and once u are in, it becomes really unconfortable.

    Then the bad points for this overweight the god ones, I mean I know to do this detailed paths puzzle-mods + the fighting element it must be tough regarding to the long shifts of work to complete it, and just for that this is a respectable work. But then there’s the player experience, if u are going to make the player suffer with the most harder puzzles and that really require high playing skills, then the whole pareto rule once Phiillip explained for HL mods is so broken and the player waste alot of time wandering arround trying to find the correct path and if he doesn’t 2 things coulld happen, or he quits, or he cheats, i’m the 2nd kind of player, that breaks inmediately any atmosphera the mod could have and screw up almost all.

    Now I don’t know why this kind of mods are easier in the source engine than in HL1 engine, maybe because the paths are clearer in the 1st one, but here in this hl1 engine having many paths and maps interconected plus using the: -go back and then return again to “turn on this” or “open this” in order to proceed- is a really huge open invitation to the player to simply get lost and ruins totally the gameplay dynamic, no matter how fluid it could be once u have to go back to turn on something and then proceed, it screws up big esential parts of the mod, that’s why Heart of Evil mod have a revised verssion the Napalm Edition, where paths are clearer and u don’t get confused or frustrated, some fix like that could be very handy in this mod a 2nd improoved verssion to make this a really worthy play it now instead of being in the last 3 poor rates, definetly no matter how a better looking mod is built, if it has terrible judgment and if the interphase-explanations whith the player, are not clear regarding to the maps paths and maps conections, it’s going to be on the lowest rates, because it really affects the gameplay and the whole game feeling experience, and also definetly this mod is is along with Assault on Roswell and Riot in Progress, part of the get-lost-confused and frustrated mods club.

  27. Play It Now!

    This time we play as Freeman’s grandson. Today the grandfather tasked us to climb somewhere and then find a way back home.

    We start at the mountains. The climbing atmosphere is excellent: rocks roll down, cliffs break under us.

    Soon we find a house. This is a puzzling while: the way to enter it is very simple, but unexpected, so we’ll spend some time searching in the wrong places.

    Later we’ll go through some interesting, various, original and atmospheric locations, from time to time there will be an intensive search for a way to progress. The place with few elevators is very interesting. The story is good.

    There is one interesting idea: breakable wooden crates stand on unbreakable supports, so the place don’t become empty when the crates are broken.

    The idea of shooting from stationary turrets is developed very well.

    The model of crossbow is replaced with sniper rifle, but projectile physics is left intact, so it feels like an online game with slow connection, and the more distance between us and the enemy, the stronger this feeling.

    Our efforts to start the time machine will be rewarded with cool special effects. The ending feels nice and rewarding, but it’s bad that there’s no way to actually finish the game.

  28. Think Twice

    At the start you are standing on a ledge and some text comes up and stays there for way too long before you can get going “YAWN, scratch your @$$ and wait”, not the best of starts!

    This is another one I put on one side until I could be bothered to carry on and another one I wish I hadn’t!

    don’t get me wrong, it looked OK, but was BORING. I admit that I finally gave up not long after a second overlong message on a computer terminal, I was not going to see if there where more like it!

    I don’t mind puzzles, but some in this were so obscure as to be frustrating which on top of the text messages killed this completely for me.

    In a previous post I’m pretty sure I said a good book grabs you in the first paragraph, this didn’t make it past the first sentence for me.

    Because the look wasn’t too bad I won’t give it an AI, but only play this if you like to be annoyed. It appears this appeals to some people, but it sure as hell doesn’t to me.

    Not the least bit of fun!

  29. Play It Now!

    Quote from the readme:
    “If you are a cheater and/or don’t like puzzles, or if you only like to run and kill things. don’t play this small add on.”

    Well, that’s true.. partly. Although, if you get stuck you have to cheat (noclip) or when it’s getting too dangerous for your health (godmode) – that’s what I experienced during gameplay.
    But this isn’t a “small addon”, it’s a quite big mod! The playtime is way higher than average. As there is pretty much content with lot of variety.

    As for the story, you’re Jordan Freeman 😀 Grandchild of Gordon, who’s old and sick. After being well-trained, it’s time for a quite long adventure. So it starts with climbing and puzzle sequences until you finally find the HEV suit, the crowbar and later it’s time for… well, a timetravel!

    I won’t say more this time because there would be a lot to say and I don’t wanna spoil too much.
    To shortcut it go play this fantastic mod as soon as possible if you haven’t already!

    -Very good mapping, lighting – detailed, varied and with lot of new stuff
    -Great puzzles, especially at the beginning – some are very tough and not obvious
    -A quite good story (supported by text messages, signs, security camera observation)
    -Good balanced combat action (there is less combat in the first maps, you don’t have a weapon anyway)
    -Some very nice scripted sequences, also a few cool cutscenes
    -Nice atmosphere, supported by occasional music / ambient sounds
    -Useable turrets and tanks (firepower only)

    -Some puzzles are very hard
    -No or less combat in the first maps (you don’t even have / need a crowbar!)
    -Bugs like getting stuck, mapchange, scripts (doors don’t open properly)
    -Can get frustrating / confusing quick (specifically at the beginning)
    -Minor balancing issues about puzzles and a few combat situations
    -Minor performance issues in larger areas with lot of details / models
    -Some boxes can be break, containing goodies although it seems they are not breakable
    -Also some other things can be broken, which isn’t obvious at first too, but required sometimes
    -Sometimes the crosshair of the sniper rifle didn’t work in zoom mode
    -Falling damage, also loss of health / armor when timetraveling (why?)

    Note: Don’t be afraid of the quite many con’s here, this mod is absolutely worth playing if you like puzzles!

    Conclusion: You definitely need a brain to solve this jewel of a mod, but there’s also quite much action in the later parts! For the puzzles, it’s suggested to check every single corner and hit lot of things with the crowbar. Good luck, have fun!

  30. Avoid It!

    A lot of illogical puzzles and stupid tricks are here – so play it only if you like to stick up with cheats & walkthrough while playing mods. Or if you have A LOT of free time & patience.

  31. Play It Now!

    You may not like it, but there are some things I really liked about this mod.

    The story is that you play as Jordan Freeman, whose grandfather is Gordon! Anyway, there is a place that is called the Evil Black Mesa which nobody goes but Jordan likes. After his training, he is ready for his “first mission”.

    The combat is good, for the most part. Though, I didn’t like the fact that you get the crowbar BEFORE you get the HEV suit.

    The atmosphere was great and I really enjoyed climbing; it felt real.

    The mod is known for its puzzles, which I didn’t enjoy that much.

    Overall, this is a pretty good mod. I say play it now.

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