As you wake up one morning from uneasy dreams, you find yourself measuring less than 10 inches.
The door handle is out of reach.
How will you get out of your room?
Basic Details
- Title: The Transformation
- Filename: sdk-2013-sp-the-transformation-v1.1.7z
- Size : 10.3MB
- Author: Clément Baticle AKA Klems
- Original Date Released: 27 August 2018
- v1.1 Date Released: 01 September 2018
Author’s Note
Made by Clément Baticle AKA Klems, for Mapcore’s The Door Challenge 2018.
Additional texture work by Geoffrey Rosin AKA Kikette.
Download Options
Download to your HDD [10.30MB]
Manual Installation Instructions
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
- Make sure you have the “Upcoming” branch of the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer installed in Steam and run at least once. (Properties – Betas – select “upcoming” from the dropdown list).
- Copy the kldoor folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods\ folder.
- Start or restart Steam
- The Transformation should now be listed in your Library tab.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Manually: 9 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 21 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by
Longest: 1 Hours by Avantgarde95
Total Time Played: 3 Hours, 10 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 9 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 21 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by
Longest: 1 Hours by Avantgarde95
Total Time Played: 3 Hours, 10 Mins
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This is simply a fantastic piece of work. The visual aspect is obviously what hits you first and it’s beautiful. Everything looks the right size, except you!, and the whole feel is cartoonish and relasitic – if that’s possible.
Klems makes things seem hard but with a little thought and effort, the solutions are obvious.
Everything seems to work really well and even though I had trouble with the drawers, I am attributing that to my lack of control, but there could have been some improvements made.
The whole concept fits perfectly with the gameplay and the feeling of pride as you finally open the door is pretty cool.
Thanks to MapCore for running (and it is still running if you want to enter) another cool Door challenge.
To sum up. This release is fun to play and great to look at. perfect for a 20 minute break from the drudgery of non-gaming stuff. GO PLAY IT NOW!
25 Minutes
Hmm! All went well until I had the lorry moving. Right, Left, Forwards and Backwards was fine but as soon as I tried to raise the ladder the game crashed out back to Steam. Tried remapping keys etc. but that made no difference. Interested to know if anyone else gets this problem. Shame because it was looking good up to that point.
That’s very weird and kind worrying, nobody had that issue yet :(. Is Source SDK Base 2013 set to the upcoming beta? I had to make some code change to the way the ladder works so it might be it, unfortunately I can’t do much if I can’t reproduce the bug…
Hi Klems, yes the Source SDK Base 2013 is set to the upcoming beta. I ran it again just to be sure then went back to the game but the same problem still exists.
It runs for me, but I’m unable to pick up items by pressing E key. 🙁
Crashes on me too, when i try to use the ladder, or disengage the remote (with ‘E’). couldn’t finish it.
Crashes for me as well as soon as I try to raise or lower the ladder…
Try the 1.1 version, just updated yesterday – and see if the crashes are still there.
I crashed to desktop too, near where presumably the end was close. At least I had done the difficult bits.
I see comments about a ladder, so I don’t know if it moves – I forgot to look at the remote control options when they briefly came up on screen, and couldn’t find a way to see them.
All these comments are very worrying. The strangest part is that it seems to crash completely at random. It’s different for everyone 🙁 I didn’t do anything particularly fancy, it’s just a standard HL2 mod.
For anyone who is experiencing issues, please add me on Steam so I can send you an improved version, we’ll see if that changes anything
wel, i went back one last time, and for some reason there was no more bug, or at least not every time. i can’t see what i did differently this time, but i finished it now.
Another great map by Klems. Right from the start you are overwhelmed by the custom environment he set. The entire game works around a single puzzle, but that requires a lot of action to make it work and and everytime you discover how to progress, you feel proud of your achievement.
As I suggested, the concept of this map could be extended to a full game. It’s unique rats style and good usage of the Source physics will make anyone who enjoys puzzle entertained for a few minutes. If it was the entire house, I’d totally pay for it.
15 Minutes
It looked interesting, kind of like the “Rats” multiplayer map from way back. Unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work right. Once I engaged the fire engine controls I couldn’t disengage them which left me trapped. I tried loading a Save but then when I tried to raise the ladder it crashed on me.
Clever puzzle map here, somewhat reminiscent of the old rats maps. It’s fairly clear what your overall goal is, especially if you know it’s for the Mapcore Door challenge. The cleverness comes in when you discover that there are several steps to the overall puzzle.
This map relies a little too much on the sometimes wonky Source physics, but overall it’s a great little experience. Definitely worth checking out.
10 Minutes
The Tranformation is a fantastic mod. You are very small and you need to solve puzzles in a now huge bedroom. It’s simple, but charming.
10 Minutes
It runs for me, but I’m unable to pick up items by pressing E key.
Running on Linux with SDK2013
I did not build binaries for Linux. I had to make a few code changes and the mod wouldn’t work on SDK2013 binaries alone. It’s windows only, sorry 🙁
This is an awesome map. Pretty neat and clever. The whole room concept and its textures are just beautiful. And also the whole puzzle execution is magnificently done here.
I know there is just no combat in this map but the whole concept I just think is brilliant. I’ve never been too much keen to puzzle mods, but in this case, this is possibly my favorite one. Because is not that hard or almost impossible puzzle mod to beat.
Playing it was overall a very relaxing experience. For me indeed was a stress relief.
I also think it would be awesome to have a map challenge centered on this mega-world / micro-player concept.
15 Minutes
Original map with excellent gameplay, especially liked the puzzles.
15 Minutes
Really nice simple puzzle map, if you are looking for something short and sweet, definitely play this one. Puzzles were a bit too easy though, and it was to short for me to really enjoy it that much.
30 Minutes
Creative and fun!
1 Hour
Lot more fun than I thought it would be. Such a big area, figured it would bog down but it didn’t. The clock was annoying with the ticking. lol. Got the key in but could not get through the door. I guess I’m the only one.