Poseidon is a submerged deep sea laboratory sponsored by CryoTech Incorporated, a large firm dealing mainly with cryotechnology (would you believe that they started out by selling refrigerators?).
It’s located just east of Denmark, about 110 km of the coast of Aalborg, a major Danish city. The rig is a cooperation between the Danish fraction of Cryotech (Cryotech DK) and the HQ in the States. Most of the staff is American of origin though.
CryoTech has just recently finished work on a revolutionizing new technology that allows for the freezing of a human being into suspended animation almost indefinitely.

The new breakthrough is based on a biochip, which was recently received from a mysterious sponsor. All the facets of the chip isn’t known yet, but the scientists are working around the clock hours to figure out it’s mysteries.
Unfortunately, not all people play the game fair, so somewhere someone has leaked the information on the biochip to the wrong people – The government
“Government Troops have entered the base!”
The intercom, that had just torn you from your deepest sleep, went dead after a burst of what had seemed like machine-gun fire. You raise yourself up on your elbows and look around your room, the rest of the guys that usually sleep there weren’t anywhere to be seen… Government Troops, what had he meant?

Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed you bang your head into the bed above you, cursing at these stupid things you quickly get dressed because you want to go and find out what is happening.
You reach in under your bed for what you like to call your security-rod, some people just like to call it a crowbar, but what do they know? You can never be to certain these days…
As you head for the door you suddenly hear someone yell “but what on earth might I have doe to deserve this dreadful fate?”
His question is simply answered with a long burst of a machine gun and his last words dissolve in what seems like a blood gurgle.
“2-1, you get the last room the rest follow me, 2-2, you and 3-2, you start rigging the cargo bay while we prepare the upper deck!”

Shit” you think to yourself, he’s coming in here! Looks like those hours at the gym will be paying off anyways. You press yourself against the wall, tightening your grip on the only thing that stands in the way between you and whoever is about to open the door…
The door opens and in the same second you thrust everything you’ve got into the crowbar, making a large nice circle and bashing it right into the face of a gas-masked marine. With a nice crunchy CRACK he’s thrown to the floor.
“You can’t ever be too sure!” you think to yourself as you subsequently bash his skull a couple of times until it seems to be adequately pulpy.
No one seems to have heard your little rage trip, and you bend down to search the poor guy who didn’t stand a chance against a top trained scientist such as yourself…
Now you’d better get the hell outta here and find some means of getting of the rig, preferably alive! Heading towards the elevator will take you topside; from there you might be able to call for help!
This is a teaser level for Infestation, a full blown Total Conversion. I really enjoy this level, the textures were pretty good. It ends will some text saying it’s a teaser level. Don’t expect more than about five or ten minutes worth of gameplay.
- Title: The Poseidon Incident
- File Name: hl1-sp-the-poseidon-incident_v2.7z
- Original File Name: poseidon.zip
- Size : 1.66Mb
- Author: Michael Heilemann AKA Karma
- Date Released: 31 May 1999
- Copy the poseidon folder into your SteamApps\common\Half-Life folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- USCM: Infestation should now be listed in your Library.
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98365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 1 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 3 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 3 Mins by Dmitry
Longest: 0 Hours, 3 Mins by Dmitry
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 3 Mins
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so sad this wasn’t finished. I was looking forward to playing it.
Well…Wasn’t so bad.
A short but quality game well textured and having tense and hard encounters, however, even on hard setting you wont stretch this game out that much, it’s very short.
Very, very short teaser demo of an deep down undersea lab as government troops have invaded the facility of the CryoTech company. They recently discovered a breakthrough that allows freezing human beings with the help of a new biochip.
The minimod starts with you being woken up via the intercom: “Government troops have entered the base…!” and you wonder what’s going on, as your roommates are missing as you look around.
So then, grab your guns and check it out.
Note: This mod (rather tiny map) was made for the HL ERC Map and a Half Contest.
-New textures, unique-looking design
-Good balanced combat, maybe a touch too easy
-Good story so far
-Nice atmosphere at first
-Ultra short
-Flaws or bugs(?) like steam, biohazardous liquid doesn’t do damage
-Most of the sentry gruns are offline (they only start working if you touch them)
-No puzzles
edit: I just saw it was part of “Infestation”, hmm.. okay, but can’t remember hehe
However, “Infestation” is definitely a must play!
The Poseidon Incident really tantalized me with its short but sweet experience. However, for a preview map, this is still awfully brief and unfulfilling.
All good things must come to an end, but this map ended before it could be considered good. The unique, well-themed and flawless design created an atmosphere that was extremely intriguing. A bit longer and I could easily see this one becoming an epic, for a brief moment the fantastic and believable world created on my screen was somewhat reminescent of USS Darkstar.
The Poseidon Incident does not take place in deep space, but in deep sea. The one area where you can look out through a window was a fascinating one indeed. The extremely detailed storyline goes something like this: You and your fellow scientists are researching some sort of top-secret, state-of-the-art freezing technology, unfortunately, the government gets word of this and they come to take over.
You’ll probably spend more time reading the storyline in the txt than playing this level. But, in the short while, you’ll see that the Poseidon Incident is a very high-quality level. It is loaded with new textures that instantly make the map look fresh (and cool) right from the start. Unfortunately, because of the small size of the actual map, this means you’ll be downloading a semi-large file for mostly new textures.
While the new textures are as good as they come, the gameplay you get will just not make things worth it unless you have a pretty fast modem or time to waste. The fights are all with marines, they are mostly tasteless, and the layout is horrible; there is even one room that has a couple of marines but other than for losing health and killing, there is no other purpose for going there; I hate rooms like that!
The Poseidon Incident is a quick showcase of talent, but very little more. I get the fact that these guys mean business, but I’ll have to wait for the very promising completed release of this before I can recommend anything from these particular mappers, graphic designers etc.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Sunday, 11th July, 1999 by Jiang.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
Well, as you can make out from Jiang’s review, this isn’t much of a level. However, it does act as a perfect showcase for the quality of this upcoming TC, which is all it was really meant to be. Definitely not worth not downloading – unless you’re bored and fancy some eye candy – but I do await the TC with interest on the basis of this.
This second opinion is republished here by permission and was originally published Thursday, 13th July, 2000 by Morgan.
This second opinion was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
Link broken
Download fixed!
Turrets DO NOT fire unless you bother them. So. If you don’t bother them, there’s nothing to be worried. Just crawl like a rat close to their cannon and it won’t even aware of your presence. Meanwhile you can wipe out the guards and steal all of the goodies in those shelves. But if you commit a mistake to touch the turret, I mean if you touch with your body, prepare buddy…for a fight.
3 Minutes