A beta of a never-finished 5 or 6 part mod. Simply escape from the Combine.
“After a couple of months of development and a long delay, I’m going to release this single player game for Halflife 2. It’s a three part series and ends abruptly but I hope to add on a couple more parts to it in the future if I can find help.
Currently this version isn’t complete but it’s fun to play. The idea is that I’ll probably make another map pack that will pickup where this one ends. Starting out in a room with a locked door (just don’t open it right away), looking outside the window is sense of desperation in your situation. Don’t jump out of the window because the door will be kicked open.
Occasionally you’ll see a HEV suit near the start of the levels. Those were put in while the levels were being built and I haven’t got around to removing them yet.
The end of the three levels is quite abrupt at the end of a large ditch. That’s just where I’ve stopped mapping. I’m always looking for additional help with this project.”
I have labelled it a beta, but since these are pretty old maps, so don’t expect them to be finished. The file also includes a map called aitestmap.bsp that is shown in the last two images. It’s not part of the escape.
- Title: The Escape
- File Name: hl2-sp-the-escape.7z
- Size : 1.61MB
- Author: Paul Mendoza
- Date Released: 09 May 2006
Download directly into MapTap [1.6MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy all the .bsp into your Half-Life 2 Maps folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2
- Open the console and type map ch1_avoidingcapture.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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Not bad, just unfinsihed.
Yes this only a Beta & please treat it as such but do keep an open-mind on the later final release possibilities
The 1st map is pretty basic with a decent amount of combine ,rebels , ammuntion & supplies. The level design pathway is Linear in nature & the texture design is extremely basic bland tho a 2nd release will cure that.
On one note the locked doors could open to storage closets or even to the balconys above.
The 2nd map is very good a simple closed-in feeling of cramped corridors & same as the 1st map decent amount of combine & Rebels & Supplies. I found no texture problems & the level wasnt too dark or overlite. I perfered the shotgun/smg combo. Its even cool to see zombies fighting combine.
The 3rd map was like the 2nd map very good level design with no problems in any department the buggy is used twice maybe thats a story plot that could include the 1st buggy running out gas. No items or supplies after the ramp drop-off & yes the end could lead to the next level in 2 possible routes.
Not Rated
dont forget to play the aitestmap, fun for 10 sec
All in all – not bad. It kept me entertained for a short while.
A little short of detail in the first map, but it was still laid out well, and had enough twists and turns to keep me searching for the exit. A decent amount of enemies. I must say though, I do get annoyed when every single door is locked!
The second level improved on the first. Again, well laid out, and good enemy placement. Good lighting and texture added to it as well.
Probably my favourite is the 3rd, although it is too short, with no exit. It’s been a while since I’ve encountered the buggy, so it made a nice change to watch the bodies fly! I liked that fact that it wasn’t just a race – there were enough, well placed obstacles to stop the player from simply hitting the turbo and heading for the exit at top speed – if there was an exit of course.
And the extra map? Insane, but fun!! I would have liked to see a few medikits here and there to prolong the fun. I lasted a little more than 10 seconds, but not much!
Wasn’t good and wasn’t bad. Needs finishing.
This was okay. I started with the HEV suit, and think I came across two more in the game. Don’t know if it was because these were separate maps, or what, but it didn’t make much sense. Some textures were undone–unless the author wanted the gray squares grid texture–but nothing horrible.
As said before, not good and not bad.