Half-Life: Anti-Climax is my take on the “battle you have no chance of winning” the G-Man offers you once you decline his job offer at the end of the Half-Life campaign. Is there truely no chance to win or can you lead Gordon to victory and freedom?
There are 18 releases tagged with Xen
Maps and mods that have a significant part of the time set on Xen.
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Xen again – Half-Lifefor Half-Life
Starting in a storage area, you enter the main part of the building via a lift.
After getting your suit, you travel to Xen and must reach the top.
Beware headcrabs, vortigaunts andn Alien grunts will try to stop you.
Total Downloads: 1,47226th April 2014
and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
The Evasionfor Half-Life
Playing as Adrian Shephard set shortly after the nuclear bomb that devastated the Black Mesa Research Facility.
You find yourself on a Xen “island” being kept out of harms way.
Fortunately, you have managed to contact a scientist back on Earth and he can help you return.
Whether that’s a good thing only time will tell!
Total Downloads: 6,33112th February 2013
and 16 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Xen Walkfor Half-Life
You start in Black mesa and are sent to Xen.
Work your way back – if you can.
Watch out for a very difficult “drop”.
Good Luck!
Total Downloads: 2,06121st July 2012
and 8 recommendations with no significant bias
Break at Workfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Take a stroll through Black Mesa, do Dr. Arne Magnusson a favour and then take a ride on the transit system – that is if you can get it working!
But wait! There’s a little detour you have to make before you can continue.
Good Luck.
Total Downloads: 1,85217th March 2012
and 5 recommendations with no significant bias
Ultimate Attackfor Half-Life
You play as a member of a Black Ops team that go into Black Mesa.
Your objective is to clean up.
As always, kill everything in your way.
Total Downloads: 5,69921st October 2011
and 15 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Someplace Elsefor Half-Life
Pay attention – things are more complex than they might first appear. Intrigue, subterfuge, and mystery predominate. An ancient machine tainted with human technology, guarded by a vicious pack of Nihilanthi aliens. There are few answers, but many questions. Will they ever be resolved?
Total Downloads: 7,1088th September 2011
and 34 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Between Two Worldsfor Half-Life
You don’t know much at the beginning.
You can’t remember anything from your previous life or how you came into this cage of glass in which you have been living several weeks and in which these scientists have performed cruel experiments on you.
But what you know is: you want to get out and pay them back!
Total Downloads: 3,6847th September 2011
and 19 recommendations with no significant bias
ETC 2 – Earthquake Test Centre 2for Half-Life
ETC finished with Freeman heading into the teleporter. Where it took him was not revealed.
ETC 2 continues from this point.
So, where did Freeman go?
Total Downloads: 5,3795th September 2011
and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
The Long Nightfor Half-Life
As the name suggest, this mod takes place through the night.
You are taken through a variety of locations, within Black Mesa and beyond.
Can you escape the influence of that trouble making Gman?
Total Downloads: 3,74115th August 2011
and 23 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Total Downloads: 4,02916th March 2019
35 Comments and 21 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"