There are 23 releases tagged with “TWHL”

Maps and mods that were found or sourced from TWHL (The Whole Half-Life).

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TWHL Tower: Source

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Born on the forums of TWHL, here comes another collaboration pack – this time on the Source engine! Mappers were restricted to a small footprint for their map, as if each map were a floor in a tower. A full 3 years in the making, here is the result of a lot of hard work from both new and experienced Source mappers.

There’s a lot to love in this long anticipated collaboration! Enjoy the 18 floors in this solid follow-on to TWHL Tower and TWHL Tower 2! Plus don’t miss the handful of unlockable bonus maps!


Total Downloads: 1,22119th July 2024
10 Comments and 6 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Later"

TWHL Tower 2

for Half-Life

Five years ago, you fought and ascended the first tower alone. You thought it would be over, that that would be the end.

But you were sorely mistaken. You’ve received a new call to another tower’s roof and you meet an “old acquaintance” that kept insisting that a team should have been dispatched rather than a “lone wolf.”

You start to have a feeling of déjà vu – except this time, there’s a long descent ahead of you. And if you explore and observe well enough, the sub-basement bonus map will be unlocked!

Work your way through 25 floors from 18 mappers in this superb sequel to TWHL Tower!


Total Downloads: 7,17011th November 2020
50 Comments and 21 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life

This old lab complex was already tricky to navigate. Now, with the facility on lock down and rapidly descending into chaos, the most direct routes are blocked and you will have to find alternate ways to reach the surface.

E-Lab-orate was created for TWHL’s 20th Anniversary Competition.


Total Downloads: 1,85918th March 2019
16 Comments and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"

Cenodrome: The Lost Sub-Basement of TWHL Tower

for Half-Life

Cenodrome is a small standalone map made in the mold of the TWHL Tower maps. Put together by regulars at The Whole Half-Life site, TWHL Tower was a collaborative mapping project where each mapper constructed a small floor of the tower, and each floor was joined to others by a stairway. Cenodrome is the long lost sub-basement of that tower.


Total Downloads: 2,5223rd September 2018
16 Comments and 8 recommendations with no significant bias

TWHL Tower

for Half-Life

You have received a call to a tower. The guy you meet there is not very happy just to see you.

He thinks he needs a team. Little does he know how effective you are.

Follow his instructions and do what you do best.

Then get to the roof and escape.


Total Downloads: 6,4967th January 2016
55 Comments and 24 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Marine Invasion: Episode 1

for Half-Life

Collect your gear and suit up.

Face possibly the largest number of enemies you have ever seen.

Survive until you die in the radioactive goo.

This mod was originally released with Episode and a bonus Opposing Force map on THWL. I have chosen to release each episode and the bonus map separately.


Total Downloads: 1,16229th April 2015
9 Comments and 5 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

The Work Area

for Half-Life

You must escape your work area.

Apparently, you’ve always worked in the basement, so you don’t really know what to expect on the higher levels.

They might even have secret doors for all you know.


Total Downloads: 91324th April 2015
7 Comments and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it