A small to medium mod with the player in the role of a Metrocop. Your objective? Escape from the base after all the Combine turn against you. You start with a four-person squad and face mostly other Metrocops.
There are 33 releases tagged with Squad
Maps and mods that feature a squad scenario.
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Riot Actfor Half-Life 2
In this Single Player mod you play the role of Jamil Lee, who is a young member of the civilian resistance, taken by the Combine and currently imprisoned in Nova Prospekt.
Total Downloads: 7,37827th July 2007
and 52 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Squad Romeofor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “This map is just a short map I’ve created that will be the first in a series of maps I have planned out. It still needs some tweaks here and there but for the most part this is the finished version of the first map in the series.” Story You’re part of one… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,30120th January 2007
and 3 recommendations with no significant bias
Total Downloads: 1,33617th November 2007
33 Comments and 23 recommendations, 10 say "Play It Now!"