There are 417 releases tagged with “Short”

Maps and mods that feature between 5 and 20 minutes gameplay.

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Je Ne Sais Pas

for Half-Life 2

Starting in a dark and seemingly abandoned warehouse district, you need to simply keep moving forward.

Although sometimes it might feel like you are going backwards!

Freedom awaits those strong and courageous enough to survive.


Total Downloads: 2,1216th June 2015
22 Comments and 11 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2

Gordon Freeman crashes his car on the way to a presentation at his alma mater. Will he be able to escape Combine pursuers? The answer is “of course”” but play the map anyway. Author’s Note “I used this map to teach myself Hammer so it isn’t as pretty as I’d it to be, but I… Read More


Total Downloads: 2,8135th June 2015
31 Comments and 16 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

City Prison 5

for Half-Life 2

Not exactly a prison, but certainly some sort of Combine controlled area.

There are a few levels on the wall that will allow you to open doors and progress onto the next stage.

When you reach a dead end vent, that’s the end of the map.


Total Downloads: 1,7653rd June 2015
22 Comments and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"

Dungeon Crawler

for Black Mesa

Starting just outside a testing area, you must collect your suit and proceed to perform some tests.

There are three areas which contain different enemies.

Pass each one and progress to the next area.


Total Downloads: 7531st June 2015
11 Comments and 3 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"


for Black Mesa

While attempting to escape Black Mesa, Freeman’s tram is halted by a military lockdown at an administrative facility chiselled into the side of a canyon wall.

Freeman must restore power to the tram and, along the way, discover what happened to the scientists.


Total Downloads: 2,35631st May 2015
48 Comments and 11 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

My First Map

for Half-Life 2

Doors. Are they locked or just waiting to open with death and pain right behind them?

Only one way to find out. Try to open them.

Collect weapons, ammo and press buttons to make some doors unlock.

Sound simple? Well, it is – kinda.


Total Downloads: 80829th May 2015
15 Comments and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"

Big Bang

for Half-Life 2

You find yourself in Combine base.

Explore the areas you can reach but be aware that the Combine will quickly learn of your presence.

How far can you reach?


Total Downloads: 1,47222nd May 2015
25 Comments and 23 recommendations, 10 say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2

Collect your suit and some supplies, watch Alyx kill a zombie and start your journey into weirdness.

This is a nightmare and everywhere you look something is trying to kill you, even your supposed friends.

At one point is a leap of faith. Sometimes it’s better to have no faith.


Total Downloads: 87020th May 2015
9 Comments and 5 recommendations, most say "Think Twice"


for Half-Life

“The nightmare of Black Mesa is now behind you and you have settled into your new position at the Black Mesa Xeno Biology division.

You are disturbed by a haunting nightmare that the assassins that plagued you previously are back, you awake from this nightmare and hear a scream.

Quickly you leave your office and discover that once again you have been betrayed by the Administrator.

Your mission is to escape the xeno biology compound and survive the Administrators “clean-up” operation.

This time you are on your own. Some of the security team are working for the government and the assassins are after your blood, you escaped them last time but maybe not again…”


Total Downloads: 2,10815th May 2015
13 Comments and 11 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"