There are 417 releases tagged with “Short”

Maps and mods that feature between 5 and 20 minutes gameplay.

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Enslavement of Vortigaunts Demo

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Soon after the 7-Hour War, with Humanity defeated a survivors join the nascent rebellion.

After escaping Nihilanth’s control, Vortigaunts are forming the alliance with rebels, hoping to defeat the common enemy and return back home.

As a player, you’ll play a role of the man who survived the war and join the rebellion and prevent Alliance from completely conquering Earth.


Total Downloads: 1,0568th October 2017
13 Comments and 1 recommendation, say ""

Tunnel Woes

for Half-Life

You find yourself in a tunnel.

A familiar tunnel, but then again everything in Black Mesa looks familiar.

There’s only one way forward, so get moving.

Are you going deeper into the complex or moving towards freedom?

Only time will tell. Good Luck!


Total Downloads: 2,1627th October 2017
11 Comments and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Play It Later"

Quiet Rehabilitation

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Localised on the other side of the Coast, the Combine used to run one among other abandoned sections of the block cells as an area to detain citizens who were determined to be a threat to the Combine action.

Later on, these cell blocks were left behind, including countless prisoners and citizens who tried to escape by their own through vents, old offices, maintenance facilities and sewers.

You’ll find yourself stuck in one of those old cells on another side of sector A5 at Nova Prospekt. Be sure to acquire any kind of weaponry and supplies during your escape route, because you’re not alone on this mission.

Many unauthorised and unidentified creatures are wandering around the place. Watch your corners and try not to make any huge noises, you might attract those strange things to hunt you down. Or even worse: the Combine itself.


Total Downloads: 2,52131st August 2017
24 Comments and 14 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Big Lolly

for Half-Life

Once upon a time, long, long ago, a dreamland of wonder and candy did grow. Its treasure was sweet, and the land was “Big Lolly.”

Welcome to Big Lolly!

Grab some candy and get fraggin’!


Total Downloads: 2,46227th August 2017
11 Comments and 8 recommendations with no significant bias


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“You are sent on a mission to destroy a combine base.

The rebels have figured out if they can make you light enough, they can trick the combine into taking you into their docking area via a container.

So, you have been scrapped of everything but the bare minimum, a pistol and a crowbar.”


Total Downloads: 9097th August 2017
7 Comments and 7 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Staring in a lift with Alyx, you find yourself in what at first seems an abandoned cliff-side village.

Obviously, things aren’t what they seem.

Can you survive until the ultimate encounter?

Only time will tell.


Total Downloads: 2,1607th June 2017
33 Comments and 16 recommendations, 7 say "Play It Later"


for Black Mesa

The transit system had taken Gordon to within a whisker of the surface, and safety.

However the military, ostensibly there to rescue the facilities personnel, had cut power to all the surface access doors.

The test reactor housed in Area 3’s nearby laboratories offered a solution to this predicament.

If Gordon could fire it up he should be able to redirect power to the access doors from the control room.

The way ahead was dangerous, but with luck this would be the final escapade.


Total Downloads: 1,71223rd February 2017
17 Comments and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Black Mesa

Trapped deep underground in the Black Mesa research facility and beset on all sides by hungry aliens, failing systems and government soldiers determined to silence everyone involved with the project.

How hard can it be?


Total Downloads: 1,45817th December 2016
14 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"

Precinct 17

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“Barney has been abducted from a rebel surveillance post overlooking the infamous Precinct 17, a former police station repurposed by the Combine.

It’s up to Gordon Freeman to find out what happened to his friend.”


Total Downloads: 6,31423rd October 2016
42 Comments and 33 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Aerial Harassment

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“The city you’re currently in is under attack by Combine forces. They are controlled by a Sky Captain, a malicious being (possibly artificial intelligence) flying a helicopter and with a role in the Combine hierarchy similar of that of an Advisor.

However, the Sky Captain seeks direct confrontation with members of the resistance and can be very persistent and aggressive. Escape the city and try to avoid this Sky Captain.”


Total Downloads: 1,73927th September 2016
21 Comments and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Play It Later"