ETC finished with Freeman heading into the teleporter. Where it took him was not revealed.
ETC 2 continues from this point.
So, where did Freeman go?
Maps and mods that feature the Rocket Launcher.
Follow these releases via RSSETC finished with Freeman heading into the teleporter. Where it took him was not revealed.
ETC 2 continues from this point.
So, where did Freeman go?
This is the continuation of DAV Train.
After reaching the Osprey you think that you are safe and going home but you don’t realize that you are being follow by an Apache helicopter.
Eventually he damages your Osprey and you crash, finding yourself on the run again…
Total Downloads: 3,5862nd September 2011
and 15 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Somewhere far beneath the surface of one of the Earth’s Oceans lies a large complex known as The Challenger Deep.
In this complex, many scientific experiments take place on a daily basis. These experiments deal with intense anti-mass spectrometer radiation.
Total Downloads: 4,32329th July 2011
and 16 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
This mod continues exactly where Hard left off – you on the tram and the track exploding! Can you reach the spaceship? Can you save humanity? Only one way to find out! Basic Details Title: Hard 2 File Name: hl1-sp-hard-2.7z Original File Name: Size : 29.0Mb Author: W. Broisch Date Released: 01 Septemebr 2003… Read More
Total Downloads: 2,94926th July 2011
and 18 recommendations with no significant bias
You play as FBI agent Jeremy Hard, who has been sent in to Black Mesa to do something (sorry, but I didn’t pay much attention to the text on the screen).
You have Freeman’s identity card, so everybody thinks you are him.
Go do what you do best – shoot enemies and press buttons!
Total Downloads: 3,14425th July 2011
and 16 recommendations with no significant bias
You play as Thomas Redgrave, a friend of Gordon Freeman, who works in different laboratories of Black Mesa on the same day of the accident.
You are taking a refresher training course when things go wrong. Do your best to survive until you meet some other scientists, who tell you exactly what you need to do.
Total Downloads: 7,82823rd July 2011
and 27 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
“The past is far away… The atmosphere of the earth is almost destroyed because of many terrorist chemical experiments. You’ve joined a group.. OBJECTIVE: Shut down or destroy terrorist chemical devices You were sent on a mission to take down the terrorist waste complex. But you were delayed! They put you in prison. You must find a way out of there fast before they eliminate you! Seek help. You may encounter some other dudes. But don’t shoot everything down, it might be friendly! We believe you can do it!”
Total Downloads: 2,80417th July 2011
and 18 recommendations with no significant bias
The story picks up where The Xeno Project left off.
After fighting your way across Xen and escaping in a rocket, you are captured and imprisoned aboard an Earth vessel full of grunts, lead by the our old friend the Gman.
What happens next? I’m afraid that’s up to you. Good luck….you’ll need it.
Total Downloads: 3,58015th July 2011
and 25 recommendations with no significant bias
The terraformation of Xen has begun. The planet now supports a breathable oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere and earth-like gravity. A scientific facility called the Xeno Project has been set up on the planet for continuing research into portal technology. Tension on the planet is running high due to the secrecy surrounding the project and the military’s distrust of the scientific community.
You are Gordon Freeman. Your mission is to report to the underground test lab at the Xeno Project.
Total Downloads: 5,83514th July 2011
and 24 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
See what the U.S government keeps secret! Go undercover to infiltrate the top-secret military base at Groom Lake Nevada.
Alarming reports within the media have led the British government to send you on a trip to the back of beyond, a place called Roswell, widespread insanity of the American populace has brought the country to its knees, your mission if you choose to accept it is to infiltrate the Roswell base and stop a possible contamination of a deadly virus (maybe alien!) and eliminate any suspected parties
Total Downloads: 2,20913th July 2011
and 16 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 5,3795th September 2011
31 Comments and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"