There are 132 releases tagged with “Rocket Launcher”

Maps and mods that feature the Rocket Launcher.

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Contractual Termination

for Half-Life 2

This is a short single map created as part of a Guidhall assignment. The player receives a few objectives via screen text and there is also some scripting of events. Work you way through a few various locations to a rebel base, then defend it. Author’s Note “My final personal project at the Guildhall, “Contractual… Read More


Total Downloads: 1,00813th January 2008
19 Comments and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Mall Brawl

for Half-Life 2

This is a map made for a mod called Afterlife that never quite made it. You mission is quite simple; after being dropped off at Ground Zero by a chopper, find a way inside the shopping centre and then make you way to the roof, killing everything in your path. Basic Details Title: Mall Brawl… Read More


Total Downloads: 78222nd December 2007
9 Comments and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"