There are 117 releases tagged with “Phillip Says Maybe”

Maps and mods where Phillip says Maybe.

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Crowbar of Time

for Half-Life

A couple of maps based on Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time

Author’s note: “You play as Link (Or whatever you choose to name him in the beginning) And these maps I have re-made follow the basic introduction storyline to how Zelda starts out. Link is awoken by the great deku tree and set forth on an adventure to free the deku tree from the evil spirits within it.

Before he can do that, he must explore his forest home in search of a weapon and a means of defending himself. While exploring, link is free to do anything he wishes. There is no time crunch. Only catch : You can’t leave the forest.

Because I cannot code I could not achieve some of the effects or enemies I would have liked to implement. Fog would have been nice. [Damnit highlander] But I did try to put a half-life-esque twist on everything.”


Total Downloads: 1,44812th April 2015
11 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Later"

The Escape

for Half-Life

You are trapped.

You and one security guard and perhaps a scientist.

With careful planning you might be able to escape.

Can you save the others though?


Total Downloads: 1,0839th April 2015
7 Comments and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life

You start in a large, bland room. Collect your ammo and HEV suit and let the action begin!

This is a “player’s” mappack.

Basically, it’s all about the gameplay. The layout and design is not meant to be real at all.

You just have to fight army grunts and keep going forward.


Total Downloads: 9088th April 2015
10 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

” You play as a Resistance member who finds himself in a mysterious place with no idea how he got there.”

Explore carefully as you never know what might be around the corner.

Keep your wits about you as nothing is as simple as it seems.


Total Downloads: 2,2837th April 2015
29 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Lost in Transmission

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“Gordon and Alyx are on their way to Eli’s lab.

Something goes wrong while you’re being transported…

Search the ruins to find your way back.”

Author’s Note:” This map is unoptimized and contains quite a few particles. This might not run well on lower-end systems. I apologize for any framerate drop that might occur.”

This map was entered into TWHL’s Competitions 33: Floating Island.


Total Downloads: 1,1635th April 2015
16 Comments and 10 recommendations with no significant bias

Combine Escape

for Half-Life 2

You, Alyx and a vortigaunt have been captured. Somehow, you manage to get out of your cell. Now you have to find a way to release the others.

Good Luck.


Total Downloads: 1,08431st March 2015
7 Comments and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"