Well, the Maps Labs folks went ahead and created a theme we here at RTSL talked about many, many times – but never dared to do. A theme based only around puzzles. Here is Think Tank, and the theme summary is exactly that – create a map focused on puzzles. As always, if you’re interested… Read More
There are 46 releases tagged with Map Labs Challenge
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Abstraction – Map Labs Test Tube #3for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
The latest Map Labs release is another Test Tube – a short challenge that only ran the weekend. The theme was to create an abstract map.
As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord!
The challenge recieved a solid 14 entries and 2 bonus maps, here they are!
Total Downloads: 1,5114th May 2019
and 5 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
RunThinkShootLiveVille 2 – Map Labs #3for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
The Map Labs team keeps cranking out quality mapping challenges. This time they approached me to ask about a crossover challenge and I suggested a sequel to the namesake contest RunThinkShootLiveVille. That was a fun challenge to run and play, and some memorable maps were entered.
So for this first crossover with Map Labs, the theme was to make a map featuring the sections Run, Think, Shoot, Live – in any order.
The challenge recieved 12 entries and 2 bonus maps, here they are!
Total Downloads: 6,41714th April 2019
and 10 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Companion Piece – Map Labs Test Tube #2for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
For Valentine’s Day, Map Labs announced a short mapping challenge. This one was a Test Tube, which means it only ran for a few days instead of the typical 3 weeks.
The theme was to make a map featuring a companion or sidekick character. Bonus challenge for creating the map with a companion as well!
The challenge recieved 7 entries and 1 bonus map, here they are!
Total Downloads: 1,89627th February 2019
and 6 recommendations with no significant bias
Episode One – Map Labs #2for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
This is the latest Map Labs challenge to release. The theme this time was Episode One – make a map that pays homage to the underrated Half-Life 2: Episode One.
The challenge recieved 7 entries, here they are!
Total Downloads: 3,4659th February 2019
and 8 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
One Room – Map Labs Test Tube #1for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Map Labs has started running mapping challenges of their own. So far the challenges have all been single player HL2: Episode 2 maps (actually running on an improved SDK 2013 version), so they’re definitely worth keeping an eye on!
This challenge was a “Test Tube” challenge – a 72-hour weekend challenge with the theme of One Room – the entire map should be set in one room. The challenge received a solid 16 entries, and here they are!
Total Downloads: 2,1486th January 2019
and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"
Total Downloads: 2,14315th June 2019
16 Comments and 7 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!