In this Single Player mod you play the role of Jamil Lee, who is a young member of the civilian resistance, taken by the Combine and currently imprisoned in Nova Prospekt.
There are 113 releases tagged with Long
Maps and mods that have over 60 minutes worth of gameplay, for a normal player.
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Conundrumfor Half-Life
Hours after defeating Nihilanth, Gordon Freeman remained lost in the other world known as Xen. As time passed, and rations ran low, Freeman ran into a room filled with humming teleporters. He didn’t know which one to choose, so he stepped into one and was transported back to the Black Mesa Facility. He found a… Read More
Total Downloads: 2,05610th March 2006
and 13 recommendations with no significant bias
Combine Destinyfor Half-Life 2
Rebels have made a base at the top of a mountain near a town called Coonersville. The Combine decided to send Headcrab canisters into the town instead of trying a normal assault and possibly wasting Combine lives and resources. After a suitable period of time to allow the Headcrabs to do their work, a sweeper team is sent in to secure the town and capture the base.
Total Downloads: 8,3374th December 2005
and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 7,37827th July 2007
104 Comments and 52 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"