There are 15 releases tagged with “HOF:Ep2”

Maps and mods that are part of the Episode Two Hall of Fame.

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Dangerous World

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

You are Frank Harrison, a rebel, who lives near City 17.

You wake up and find that the Citadel looks like it is about to explode and those scientists are urging you to flee the city.

No need to tell you twice! Off you go and good luck – you’ll need it.


Total Downloads: 13,6728th December 2009
195 Comments and 44 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Research And Development

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Research and Development is a puzzle-centric mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two featuring an unarmed player but plenty of violent mayhem.

The player has NO weapons and there is no shooting at all. However that doesn’t mean you can’t kill things, but 95% of the mod is about solving the puzzles that are presented to you in a very natural way.


Total Downloads: 7,31918th July 2009
169 Comments and 61 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

“The last thing I remember was our train being stopped in the woods. OVERWATCH told me I was needed for questioning, so they locked me in one of those cold pods and stuck me on the next train to NOVA PROSPEKT. I can still see my WIFE watching me drift away.”


Total Downloads: 8,34826th February 2008
126 Comments and 53 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"