The player is a Resistance agent sent to investigate the status of a previously overrun base. Upon entry, he finds lingering Combine forces that spring a trap, forcing him to blast his way back out of the base.
There are 52 releases tagged with Guildhall
Maps and mods from Guildhall students.
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The Lamarr Incidentfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
In this short map you get to play as Larmarr, Dr. Kleiner’s pet Headcrab. You get transported to a Nova Prospekt bathroom and have to make your way home.
Total Downloads: 1,04315th December 2008
and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
Compromisedfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
This is both a playable level and an investigation into “how players absorb critical information”. Don’t expect anything too clinical because this is definitely a level where you will have to play to win.
Total Downloads: 2,6277th September 2008
and 16 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Dead-end Freeman: Reloadfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
“This map is set in the Half-Life 2 universe with the player in the role of Gordon Freeman. In this scenario, Gordon must infiltrate an enemy controlled research lab to recover valuable data before it is compromised.
Total Downloads: 1,25818th August 2008
and 9 recommendations with no significant bias
Crimson Dawnfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “Crimson Dawn is a single-player map made for Half-Life 2. The goal is to make your way in to the coastal city, and help your squad and the Resistance Force assault the cities’ Main Supply Depot building to cut off the supply route for the Combine. I designed, built, textured and lit the entire level.”
Total Downloads: 1,22924th March 2008
and 10 recommendations with no significant bias
The Suitfor Half-Life 2
You are Lamont Vance son of Alyx Vance-Manns the successor of The Suit (Mark V Hazardous Environment Suit). Continuing the fight to free humanity from the plight that is the combine, Lamont is the new scientist about town.
Total Downloads: 1,06222nd January 2008
and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
The Absolutefor Half-Life 2
“Krieger starts at the military compound and must retrieve the stolen technology from this militant faction and get back to the point of extraction before enemy soldiers capture him.” Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 10 recommendations, average score: 2.8 (out of 5), standard deviation: 1.56 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 86417th January 2008
and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Contractual Terminationfor Half-Life 2
This is a short single map created as part of a Guidhall assignment. The player receives a few objectives via screen text and there is also some scripting of events. Work you way through a few various locations to a rebel base, then defend it. Author’s Note “My final personal project at the Guildhall, “Contractual… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,00513th January 2008
and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Mall Brawlfor Half-Life 2
This is a map made for a mod called Afterlife that never quite made it. You mission is quite simple; after being dropped off at Ground Zero by a chopper, find a way inside the shopping centre and then make you way to the roof, killing everything in your path. Basic Details Title: Mall Brawl… Read More
Total Downloads: 77922nd December 2007
and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Escape DDfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “Escape is a level created using Half-Life 2. The player attempts to recover the gravity gun, which has been stolen by the Combine forces, and then escape from the Combine facility where he has been trapped. It won’t be easy because puzzles must be solved and enemies must be defeated in order to… Read More
Total Downloads: 9586th December 2007
and 4 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 2,38228th January 2009
20 Comments and 15 recommendations with no significant bias