Protect the supply line from burning fast zombies. Think it sounds easy? Think again.
There are 52 releases tagged with Guildhall
Maps and mods from Guildhall students.
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Pit Stopfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Escape the holding cell and get back to the buggy.
Total Downloads: 9042nd May 2009
and 5 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
The Factoryfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Find a way into the factory and clear it.
Total Downloads: 9582nd May 2009
and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Firestormfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A level where you don’t have much time to find the rebel and lead him to freedom.
Total Downloads: 8912nd May 2009
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Harry The Headcrabfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A 5 room map where you have to solve the 4 simple puzzles to “release” Harry the Headcrab
Total Downloads: 8722nd May 2009
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Game to Player Communicationfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A portfolio piece designed to explore and explain game to player communication. Don’t worry, it’s a proper playable map but it has commentary points for those that are interested.
Total Downloads: 1,12815th April 2009
and 12 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
Betrayal for EP2for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
“Betrayal takes place after episode 2, and features Gordon and 2 rebel accomplices breaking into a Combine controlled prison. Hoping to use the mysterious re-emergence of Dr. Breen as a diversion, Gorond and his colleages attempt to rescue their imprisoned friends”
Total Downloads: 9942nd April 2009
and 4 recommendations with no significant bias
Trappedfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Gordon Freeman is trying to help liberate City 16. He’s heading down the stairs to fight, but he’s going to have a nasty surprise. He’s trapped, and has to use his skills to try to help the citizens of City 16 without leaving the building.
Total Downloads: 7531st April 2009
and 3 recommendations, say ""
Stormfrontfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
In this map, the player takes control of Gordon Freeman as he flees from impending Combine forces. The chase takes Gordon into a dank section of City-17
Total Downloads: 1,11822nd March 2009
and 10 recommendations with no significant bias
Camp Tripfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Camp Trip combines the gameplay of a first person shooter with the structure of a role-playing game. Players find and receive quests, exploring a story-rich environment and battling the combine.
Total Downloads: 1,7223rd February 2009
and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 1,0452nd May 2009
7 Comments and 6 recommendations with no significant bias