This is your chance to play one author’s vision of what Episode Three could contain.
There are 77 releases tagged with Gravity Gun
Maps and mods that feature the normal Gravity Gun.
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Above The Downtroddenfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Get to the cache of ammo and health and then escape.
Total Downloads: 1,1702nd May 2009
and 7 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Harry The Headcrabfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A 5 room map where you have to solve the 4 simple puzzles to “release” Harry the Headcrab
Total Downloads: 8722nd May 2009
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Project 25for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Make your way from Station 23 to Station 25, if you can.
Total Downloads: 5,81017th April 2009
and 35 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Game to Player Communicationfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A portfolio piece designed to explore and explain game to player communication. Don’t worry, it’s a proper playable map but it has commentary points for those that are interested.
Total Downloads: 1,12915th April 2009
and 12 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
Target Practicefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Gordon Freeman has been captured and taken to a Combine facility just outside of Nova Prospekt. Alyx Vance recovers the gravity-gun and gives it to Freeman (the player) which he then must use to escape the Combine facility
Total Downloads: 1,2674th April 2009
and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Later"
Escape By Dragon18for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Escape from the Combine
Total Downloads: 81127th March 2009
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Legacyfor Half-Life 2: Episode One
Work your way from the train station to a huge Combine Facility and don’t leave until you have destroyed it!
Total Downloads: 2,15211th January 2009
and 12 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Dev Understudyfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note: Here’s a dev map I made for the wireframe’s mapping contest but decided on releasing it as a stand alone map instead. It’s a gravity puzzle map.
Total Downloads: 90025th September 2008
and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"
Dead-end Freeman: Reloadfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
“This map is set in the Half-Life 2 universe with the player in the role of Gordon Freeman. In this scenario, Gordon must infiltrate an enemy controlled research lab to recover valuable data before it is compromised.
Total Downloads: 1,25818th August 2008
and 9 recommendations with no significant bias
Total Downloads: 5,90612th May 2009
75 Comments and 26 recommendations with no significant bias