There are 77 releases tagged with “Gravity Gun”

Maps and mods that feature the normal Gravity Gun.

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Rising Water

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

“Rising water is a single player, standalone level for Half-Life 2: Episode 2. On his way to a rebel outpost with Alyx, Gordon gets into some car trouble. With split second reaction time, Alyx is able to jump out of the buggy before Gordon accidently drives it into an Antlion cave.

After recovering from the fall, Gordon realizes the cave is not only full of Antlions, but the water in it is rising fast from the rain, and it is full of leeches! Gordon must climb, run, jump and punt Antlions with the gravity gun to get to the top of the cave before it is too late.”


Total Downloads: 1,1623rd July 2014
7 Comments and 4 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Eight maps, all set in Raveholm, with one simple objective: Escape.

Look out for traps, hiding places, and anything else that can save your neck.

Each map offers something different and fresh, so make sure you take your time and enjoy the screams!


Total Downloads: 7,48519th April 2014
33 Comments and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Deep Down

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Firmly sticking to the Half Life 2 formula, Deep Down is a new entry in the story of Alyx and Gordon as they continue the hunt for Combine Advisors in the area surrounding White Forest.

Combine Forces, Zombies and Antlions lie between them and the brooding menace deep below the earth that will test both their skills further than ever before.

If you miss the Half Life 2 formula and are tired of waiting patiently for Episode 3 then this mod is for you. Featuring new gameplay elements, fiendish puzzles and blistering action, Deep Down will provide your Half Life 2 fix (well some of it at least).


Total Downloads: 12,1565th June 2013
144 Comments and 36 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

A Venetian Welcome

for Half-Life 2

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Being Imprisoned in Venice is the least of your worries…

Gordon attempts his escape from the dark prisons, as he travels a brief part of the Italian city, and attempts to escape the heavily guarded combine outpost.

Wake up Dr. Freeman


Total Downloads: 4,7795th February 2012
27 Comments and 19 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Puzzle Maps

for Half-Life 2

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Looking for something that makes no sense? This could be it.

Looking for something that requires quick reactions and delicate touch? This could be it.

Looking for something that is just plain crazy? This is definitely it!


Total Downloads: 1,71116th October 2011
11 Comments and 5 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Spider Hole

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

The rebels have set up a special base within some canyons, hoping the Combine will come rushing through.

The objective of the base is to stop as many Combine soldiers from passing as possible.

If more than 10 pass then you have failed.


Total Downloads: 1,59817th July 2011
7 Comments and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"

Mesa Fallback

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Play an HECU Marine in seven distinct operations.

Visit different sections of the Black Mesa Research Facility, some of which featured in Half-life, Blue Shift & Opposing force!

You and your squad have got some serious work to do – GET TO IT SOLDIER!


Total Downloads: 6,6531st May 2011
72 Comments and 18 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!