“The past is far away… The atmosphere of the earth is almost destroyed because of many terrorist chemical experiments. You’ve joined a group.. OBJECTIVE: Shut down or destroy terrorist chemical devices You were sent on a mission to take down the terrorist waste complex. But you were delayed! They put you in prison. You must find a way out of there fast before they eliminate you! Seek help. You may encounter some other dudes. But don’t shoot everything down, it might be friendly! We believe you can do it!”
There are 103 releases tagged with Crossbow
Maps and mods that feature the crossbow.
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The Xeno Project 2for Half-Life
The story picks up where The Xeno Project left off.
After fighting your way across Xen and escaping in a rocket, you are captured and imprisoned aboard an Earth vessel full of grunts, lead by the our old friend the Gman.
What happens next? I’m afraid that’s up to you. Good luck….you’ll need it.
Total Downloads: 3,57915th July 2011
and 25 recommendations with no significant bias
The Xeno Projectfor Half-Life
The terraformation of Xen has begun. The planet now supports a breathable oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere and earth-like gravity. A scientific facility called the Xeno Project has been set up on the planet for continuing research into portal technology. Tension on the planet is running high due to the secrecy surrounding the project and the military’s distrust of the scientific community.
You are Gordon Freeman. Your mission is to report to the underground test lab at the Xeno Project.
Total Downloads: 5,83414th July 2011
and 24 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Trespasserfor Half-Life
Your name is Mark Hunt, an elite Marine sent in to ‘clean up’ the Black Mesa Incident. Near evening your platoon was ambushed by a superior force, taking you completely by surprise. In the chaos you became separated from your C.O. and by sheer luck evaded the atomic blast that followed. The Brass didn’t call it luck. You were courtmartialed for desertion and sentenced to ten years in a maximum security prison. Two years into your sentence, something happened…
Total Downloads: 2,8219th July 2011
and 15 recommendations, 6 say "Maybe?"
Office Commandofor Half-Life
You are Gordon Freeman. You have accepted work from the mysterious G-Man. You thought he was interested in giving you work as a special agent, to go on secret missions and save the world! Instead, he assigns you to an office, to work through mounds of paperwork.
Total Downloads: 1,79730th June 2011
and 14 recommendations with no significant bias
Cagedfor Half-Life
You find yourself in a large cell. Time to break out me thinks!
Then, work your way through the prison complex and eliminate anybody that stands in your way.
Smart works more than run and gun in this place, so look around, you never know what you might see.
Total Downloads: 2,86524th June 2011
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
City SPBfor Half-Life 2
You start in an empty building and soon find yourself in a city.
Explore and find Barney.
Total Downloads: 3,0945th June 2011
and 7 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Genetic Research Facilityfor Half-Life
Genetic Research Facility is a single player map, which has you fighting your way through a facility intended to create and research life forms that could prove useful in military action.
Total Downloads: 1,4173rd June 2011
and 19 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Back to Xenfor Half-Life
Pretty much the standard mod premise: You are Gordon Freeman and you need to do what you do best: Keep moving forward, killing pretty much everything in your path.
The mod finishes when you read the text that says “The End”.
Total Downloads: 4,3971st June 2011
and 19 recommendations, 9 say "Play It Now!"
Insomniafor Half-Life 2
After waking up in a dentist’s chair in the middle of nowhere there’s only one appropriate course of action to take: escape. This is the surreal dream-world of Insomnia. Will you survive this neverending night in the face of desperate refugees from more well-ordered realms of time and space? Or will you be trapped forever in the Red Room or perhaps the winding streets of Paranoia City?
Total Downloads: 5,61624th April 2011
and 22 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Total Downloads: 2,80317th July 2011
41 Comments and 18 recommendations with no significant bias