A simple starting scenario: You find yourself in what appears to be an abandoned area. You need to make your way through the map and find the other rebels and help them escape.
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The Citizenfor Half-Life 2
The Citizen is set parallel to the events of the original Half-Life 2.
The player takes the role of an ordinary man, pushed over the edge by the oppressive regime controlling his life.
With his home trashed, his family dead, The Citizen leaves his apartment for the last time to seek new friends and a way to help the Human Resistance to smash the iron grip of the Combine. What follows is a winding tale of betrayal, determination and grief.
Many obstacles lie in his path, requiring a sleek combination of agility, stealth, intelligence, and sheer violence to overcome.
Please note, the RTSL file contains ALL the latest patches; The 1.1 version, the July 2010 patch AND the Source SDK 2013 patch. No other patches are needed.
Total Downloads: 24,86121st February 2008
and 93 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Ivyfor Half-Life
Author’s Notes “Competition 24 entry: I realized too late that I didn’t compile my entry right for the compo. Here is how it’s supposed to look. Black ops are after an artefact. Barney send you in to retrieve it. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 9 recommendations, average… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,06426th December 2007
and 9 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
Total Downloads: 1,3698th March 2008
19 Comments and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"