Pervasive. Literary. Brutal. Experimental.
MINERVA, by Adam Foster, takes you to a remote island under the control of Combine forces. Something is going on here. Your goal is to uncover what that is and destroy it. Oh, yes – and try to survive.
Classic of the month is an event run by Don AKA Unq, where he replays one classic mod each month. He livestreams the mod on the third weekend in each month.
Follow these releases via RSSMINERVA, by Adam Foster, takes you to a remote island under the control of Combine forces. Something is going on here. Your goal is to uncover what that is and destroy it. Oh, yes – and try to survive.
It’s 13 months after the incidents at Black Mesa. The Black Mesa Research Facility has been shut down. The nation never got to know anything about the experiments there. The less you know, the less you worry. The government founded a new organisation to handle “alien related topics”. They hired the best scientists, technicians and military forces worldwide, its name is Poke646.
Some days ago the Poke646 scientists spotted alarming signals from the Xen homeworld. It looks as if the aliens plan to invade Nation City by opening a massive amount of portals. But the Poke646 Tech Labs are already prepared: some months ago the technicians developed a huge generator which is able to close hundreds of portals at once with a bundled energy beam. Four generators are about to be installed at the edges of Nation City. With all four activated they will form a giant beam and hopefully destroy the alien portal technology forever.
Total Downloads: 10,59322nd February 2015
and 37 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
As part of the HECU, you enter the Black Mesa Research Facility via an armoured personnel carrier.
It leaves you in a large warehouse-style building and your objective is nothing more than to stay alive and kill as many enemies as possible.
Good Luck!
Total Downloads: 6,70712th March 2013
and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
“A few hours after Adrian Shephard and his squat got scattered allover the Black Mesa Complex, headquarter sent a rescue team to search the lost crew.
But as we all know even a military operation never turns out as planned…
Finding himself in the misery a soldier tries to do the best out of his lonely situation. Searching for allies he quickly becomes a major part in an issue he´s never been training for.”
Total Downloads: 15,4352nd March 2013
and 21 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
“Bootleg Squadrog, sir. It is not about individualism. It is not about cowboy heroism. It is about being one cohesive unit. The only identity I have is that of a group identity.”
You are sent on a mission to recover Gordon Freeman, but as expected, things don’t go according to plan.
At least you have an escape route planned.
Go get him soldier!
Total Downloads: 9,60910th February 2013
and 13 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Can you believe your luck? Travelling in a transport plane you get shot down!
You survive and things only get worse.
Work your way through the area into the base and do whatever you have to do to get picked up.
Take you time as the enemy has had plenty of time to prepare for your arrival (not that they were expecting YOU)
Total Downloads: 9,97810th November 2012
and 25 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
A Resistance listening post suddenly goes off-air and you are sent in to find out what happened to the original support crew and get the station back online. Your journey begins as a rowing boat coasts towards the landing point.
Who knows what you will encounter, both on the way up to the tower and on your way down.
After that whos know where you will end up or what you will have to do!
Total Downloads: 16,91229th July 2012
and 39 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"
You wake up in a dark alley, not knowing anything. What has happened anyway? You struggle after the truth and answers.
Answers you want to know in the darkness and fear, which makes your heartbeat race like violent blows against your head.
Where do “they” come from? What has happened? Are you just turning insane?
Total Downloads: 70617th March 2012
and 14 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
You live your everyday life. Work, family, house, children – whatever.
But one day you get caught in an absolutely dark, surrealistic and sadistic world called Halfquake. Is it an institution?
Is it on earth? Noone seems to care about you, your pain and your life. Forget your past, it’s gone forever. Just pray it won’t be too sadistic.
Total Downloads: 3,3144th December 2011
and 15 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Pay attention – things are more complex than they might first appear. Intrigue, subterfuge, and mystery predominate. An ancient machine tainted with human technology, guarded by a vicious pack of Nihilanthi aliens. There are few answers, but many questions. Will they ever be resolved?
Total Downloads: 7,1268th September 2011
and 34 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
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Total Downloads: 11,00722nd March 2015
176 Comments and 75 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"