An arena like no other you have ever played.
Almost all walls a destructible, but is it wise to break them? Only time will tell.
This is not for the fainthearted.
Only the strongest survive.
Are you one of them?
Maps and mods that contain at least one Combine Sniper.
Follow these releases via RSSAn arena like no other you have ever played.
Almost all walls a destructible, but is it wise to break them? Only time will tell.
This is not for the fainthearted.
Only the strongest survive.
Are you one of them?
Here are all the entries for my HunterVille mapping competition. I would like to thank everybody who entered.
I consider it a HUGE success and as you will see when you play the maps, the quality and ideas were truly amazing. I had real trouble picking a winner and I suppose in many ways, that’s a great position to be in. I feel some pride in thinking that my competition has encouraged the mappers to make and release these maps.
Total Downloads: 7,3385th April 2015
and 20 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
You wake up after a car accident you can’t remember.
Your family is alone! You must make your way back to them.
Unfortunately, you are very far from home and a lot stands between you and them.
Remember, every journey starts with a single step.
Good Luck!
Total Downloads: 2,41517th February 2015
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
Author’s Note:The objective of this short demo is to recreate the City 17 universe in a much more detailed, destructible and architecturally enhanced environment, one that should have been originally presented to us in Episode 1.
This demo was originally part of a much bigger project, but has now been transformed into a small portfolio gameplay piece.
Total Downloads: 3,96923rd February 2013
and 22 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
You find yourself in a toxic wasteland.
Pinned down and weaponless, your objective is to stop those damn Combine Snipers!
Escape and freedom are just around the corner, or so it seems.
Total Downloads: 3,57110th November 2012
and 19 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Starting in an alley with just the gravity gun, you must use the environment to keep moving forward.
Life continues to put obstacles in your way, but with thought and perseverance they can be overcome.
Alyx and Dog await you in the Daylight.
Total Downloads: 3,77317th December 2011
and 23 recommendations with no significant bias
You start in an empty building and soon find yourself in a city.
Explore and find Barney.
Total Downloads: 3,0955th June 2011
and 7 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
You are disorientated and lost. You regain full awareness in what looks to be a storage room in an apartment block.
Work your way through a variety of environments to find your way to freedom.
Total Downloads: 3,2847th July 2010
and 22 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
A collection of maps from various sources.
There are over 35 maps included, most with combat.
Total Downloads: 027th June 2010
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
There’s pretty much nos tory to this one. Get from where you start to the Antlion Guard arena and kill everything in your way.
Solve the puzzle to get the HEV suit and things get even harder after that.
Alyx and some squad friends make life a little easier for you. Don’t forget to thank them.
Total Downloads: 2,18712th April 2010
and 19 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 7004th August 2018
7 Comments and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it