A demo for a now dead mod that allows you to play part of the second level.
There are 51 releases tagged with Combine Gunship
Maps and mods that contain at least one Combine Gunship.
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Rodionfor Half-Life 2
A weird level where you get jumped around various parts of a city, assuming you get past the Striders and Gunship. Good Luck.
Total Downloads: 1,03325th May 2009
and 6 recommendations with no significant bias
Project 25for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Make your way from Station 23 to Station 25, if you can.
Total Downloads: 5,81017th April 2009
and 35 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Pyramidfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Gordon wakes disorientated and finds Gman talking in his usual mysterious way about consequences??? Looks like another mission for the only man who can make a difference. Bring it on……
Total Downloads: 2,78124th December 2008
and 35 recommendations, 15 say "Play It Now!"
No Shelterfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A very simple map with a few enemies, including two aerial ones.
Total Downloads: 94111th December 2008
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Forest Ambushfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A forest is the setting for this short but intense map. Not for the faint hearted!
Total Downloads: 1,7305th October 2008
and 11 recommendations with no significant bias
Appledacker DeadSpacefor Half-Life 2: Episode One
“Infiltrate a derelict space station in order to restore power and rescue a stranded scientist.
Even with her help, escaping the station alive won’t be easy.”
This is a partial conversion, meaning some of the original HL2: EP1 assets have been changed.
Total Downloads: 1,98122nd April 2008
and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
Crimson Dawnfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “Crimson Dawn is a single-player map made for Half-Life 2. The goal is to make your way in to the coastal city, and help your squad and the Resistance Force assault the cities’ Main Supply Depot building to cut off the supply route for the Combine. I designed, built, textured and lit the entire level.”
Total Downloads: 1,22924th March 2008
and 10 recommendations with no significant bias
Contractual Terminationfor Half-Life 2
This is a short single map created as part of a Guidhall assignment. The player receives a few objectives via screen text and there is also some scripting of events. Work you way through a few various locations to a rebel base, then defend it. Author’s Note “My final personal project at the Guildhall, “Contractual… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,00513th January 2008
and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Mall Brawlfor Half-Life 2
This is a map made for a mod called Afterlife that never quite made it. You mission is quite simple; after being dropped off at Ground Zero by a chopper, find a way inside the shopping centre and then make you way to the roof, killing everything in your path. Basic Details Title: Mall Brawl… Read More
Total Downloads: 77922nd December 2007
and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Total Downloads: 1,18526th May 2009
15 Comments and 6 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"