There are 2 releases tagged with “Coastal Areas”

Maps and mods that feature coastal areas.

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Mission Improbable

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

A Resistance listening post suddenly goes off-air and you are sent in to find out what happened to the original support crew and get the station back online. Your journey begins as a rowing boat coasts towards the landing point.

Who knows what you will encounter, both on the way up to the tower and on your way down.

After that whos know where you will end up or what you will have to do!


Total Downloads: 16,87829th July 2012
88 Comments and 39 recommendations, most say "Personal Favourite"


for Half-Life 2

Author’s Note “As a single player, you will enter an alternate level in the Half Life 2 universe. Your objective is to reach the scientist that the Combine is holding. As the player, you will have to traverse through a zombie infested sewer and destroy the combine in order to get to your objective” Reader… Read More


Total Downloads: 76730th November 2007
8 Comments and 5 recommendations, say ""