You and a small squad of rebels must fight of the attack waves of antlions and fast zombies.
There are 27 releases tagged with Arena
Maps and mods that feature arena style gameplay.
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Antlion Valleyfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A simple “defend-the-base” type map. It has 600 Antlions!
Total Downloads: 1,02811th April 2009
and 7 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Headcrab Survival: Middle Of Nowherefor Half-Life 2
A barn, a group of Metrocops, a small selection of weapons and and never ending supply of zombies and headcrabs. Perfect for a winter’s evening, or not!
Total Downloads: 8597th April 2009
and 1 recommendation, most haven't enjoyed it
Face offfor Half-Life 2
A room, plenty of Metrocops and manhacks and your rebel buddies. Can you win?
Total Downloads: 85422nd March 2009
and 1 recommendation, most haven't enjoyed it
Headcrab Panicfor Half-Life 2
Can you survive the waves of Headcrabs? It’s a one-area map with a few hundred headcrabs. Fear not! Father Grigori is there to help.
Total Downloads: 89522nd March 2009
and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Factory Defensefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A simple but pretty outdoor arena map. There actually seems to be a number of kills required before the map ends, although I couldn’t tell you exactly how many.
Total Downloads: 98514th March 2009
and 10 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Arachnidfor Half-Life 2
A fairly simple design where you are supporting the Combine soldiers defending, what seems to be a pointless base, from Antlions.
Total Downloads: 93112th October 2008
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Allout Sourcefor Half-Life 2
This is a very basic arena, where the player can open three doors that allow various Combine soldiers, Antlions and Rebels to enter. It then becomes a free-for-all. There is no ending but plenty of ammo and health.
Total Downloads: 82015th September 2008
and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Half-Deathfor Half-Life 2
This an arena map where the enemies keep spawning until you either die or you kill enough for the author to decide you won. Not only enemies spawn but also allies.
Total Downloads: 8623rd September 2008
and 4 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Flamfor Half-Life 2
The map starts with a women being guarded by a Combine Soldier. Nothing happens until you kill the gaurd and then all hell breaks loose! You need to protect her, if she dies then the map is over. To be honest I couldn’t finish this map without cheating and even then I died a hundred times.
Total Downloads: 8923rd September 2008
and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Total Downloads: 80317th May 2009
5 Comments and 4 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it