Enter the mind of Filip Valkas, who lost his parents in the Seven Hour War, and take your revenge on your Combine captors in a new story centred on the Half-Life Universe. Pick up your own crowbar and force your way out of Citizen Containment Zone 19, and lead in the uprising against the alien aggressors.
There are 29 releases tagged with Antlion Guards
Maps and mods that contain at least one Antlion Guard.
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Final Project Diaryfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
A story of a modder making a mod sounds a little strange, but that’s what this mod is. However, you spend 95% of your time playing, so don’t worry it’s not just narration or a tutorial.
Please the scenarios you are given and see if you can make it into the sunset.
WARNING – the screenshots contain spoilers
Total Downloads: 4,51211th October 2010
and 27 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Library of Leaks Betafor Half-Life 2
A collection of maps from various sources.
There are over 35 maps included, most with combat.
Total Downloads: 027th June 2010
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
The Spherefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Can you find your way through the maze of buildings and enemies to reach the “The Sphere”.
If you can get there you will find you can only break it using a crowbar. Good luck.
Total Downloads: 1,3621st May 2010
and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Sirenfor Half-Life 2: Episode One
You start in a small town and have to work your way through the tunnels.
You meet Father Grigori but are blocked from reaching him and from then on your objective is to join him.
Total Downloads: 10,64625th April 2010
and 34 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Muripofor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
There’s pretty much nos tory to this one. Get from where you start to the Antlion Guard arena and kill everything in your way.
Solve the puzzle to get the HEV suit and things get even harder after that.
Alyx and some squad friends make life a little easier for you. Don’t forget to thank them.
Total Downloads: 2,17712th April 2010
and 19 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Redoxfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Starting out in some form of storage or industrial area, you need to make you way to the central shaft.
There, you may be able to effect your escape.
Total Downloads: 3,15028th February 2010
and 26 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Dangerous Worldfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
You are Frank Harrison, a rebel, who lives near City 17.
You wake up and find that the Citadel looks like it is about to explode and those scientists are urging you to flee the city.
No need to tell you twice! Off you go and good luck – you’ll need it.
Total Downloads: 13,6728th December 2009
and 44 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Slums 2for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
This is an updated and extended version of Slums.
You are disorientated and lost. You regain full awareness in what looks to be a storage room in an apartment block.
Work your way through a variety of environments to find your way to freedom.
Total Downloads: 1,8932nd August 2009
and 22 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
The Hidden Cityfor Half-Life 2
Can you find the hidden city? Plenty of driving and exploring required.
Total Downloads: 1,35315th June 2009
and 7 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Total Downloads: 7,58118th December 2010
66 Comments and 30 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"