In 2013’s Half Life 2 mod Deep Down, Jim Partridge took several key aspects from Episode Two, Alyx and the car, and expanded on these in an attempt to re-create that amazing Half-Life 2 feeling that everyone is looking for. Now, with seven additional years worth of level and environment design experience, Jim has taken another swing at the concept. With thirteen almost entirely new maps, new environments, new gameplay concepts, new puzzles, custom models (care of Ed Vincent), and original music (from Anicator), Deeper Down asks you to hit the road one last time and take down the one enemy who’s always been watching.
There are 17 releases tagged with Alyx
Maps and mods that contain Alyx.
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Deep Downfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Firmly sticking to the Half Life 2 formula, Deep Down is a new entry in the story of Alyx and Gordon as they continue the hunt for Combine Advisors in the area surrounding White Forest.
Combine Forces, Zombies and Antlions lie between them and the brooding menace deep below the earth that will test both their skills further than ever before.
If you miss the Half Life 2 formula and are tired of waiting patiently for Episode 3 then this mod is for you. Featuring new gameplay elements, fiendish puzzles and blistering action, Deep Down will provide your Half Life 2 fix (well some of it at least).
Total Downloads: 12,1985th June 2013
and 36 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Rescue in Ravenholmfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Alyx needs your help. She is on the ground floor of a building and you are stuck on the first floor walkway.
You can open doors and power a couple of traps.
Use the resources to guide her through until you can meet up.
Be careful though, you both have to fend off attackers.
Total Downloads: 2,25714th April 2012
and 10 recommendations with no significant bias
Lambda Incursionfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Find Alyx! She has been taken prisoner by the Combine.
We are pretty sure where she is being held but there’s no direct route or way to confirm.
Work your way through various areas until you reach her
Total Downloads: 2,55629th August 2011
and 10 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Zombie Blockfor Half-Life 2
You play in a room with Barney, Dog, Alyx, Father Grigori, a vortigaunt, a few citizens and the G-man. The room is just a box with a large image of Dr. Breen on the wall and a bunch of zombie trying to kill everything.
Total Downloads: 1,33926th April 2011
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Left 4 Dead in Ravenholmfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Left for Dead in Ravenholm is a two-level Campaign for Half-Life 2 that recreates gameplay from Left 4 Dead within the Half-Life 2 universe. Joined by Alyx, Barney, and Father Grigori, you must journey through the Zombie-invested town of Ravenholm in search of rescue. Together, you fight your way through a residential area in the first level, “The Neighborhood”. Then, you fight off Zombies in the town square while waiting to be rescued in the second level, “Town Square Finale”. Both levels feature a scripted version of the “Director” system found in Left 4 Dead, which constantly evaluates the Survivors and dynamically adjusts the difficulty and alters the experience accordingly.
Total Downloads: 3,5909th January 2011
and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Frequent Flyersfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Alyx Vance has been captured by the Combine and is being held on an off-shore oil rig.
Gordon Freeman, with the help of a pulse cannon and helicopter, must attack the rig and save Alyx with “brute force”!
Total Downloads: 3,45729th December 2010
and 24 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Seizure Of Powerfor Half-Life 2: Episode One
You are sent to a base on Mars and have to fight the Combine.
Eli and Alyx help you and Dr. Kleiner appears at the end to teleport you out of harms way.
Total Downloads: 2,66625th September 2010
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Maze Of Deathfor Half-Life 2
A seemingly simple map, that has brick walls, set in a maze design. Includes, Combine soldiers, zombies, fast zombies and a rather unhelpful Alyx.
This was originally released in December 2004 and I have updated the post to include new screenshots and working download servers.
It will revert back to its original publish date of December 2005, in one month.
Total Downloads: 1,1411st September 2010
and 6 recommendations, most say "Think Twice"
Outpost 16for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
This is a cinematic portfolio piece. You and Alyx must support Echo Team in their attempt to attack Outpost 16.
Things don’t go quite the way you or they expected.
You have action and some puzzles to deal with, oh and don’t hang around looking at the beautiful view, if you linger you die!
Total Downloads: 4,22214th February 2010
and 32 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Total Downloads: 3,70914th September 2020
65 Comments and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"