“This is the Berlin Wall single player map for Half-Life 2: Episode Two. After a huge anticipation for almost 2 months, the little sketch by Stene was soon made real by a group of talented modders. As the story goes, you are a citizen of the East Berlin, and tired of the evil communist government.”
There are 2 releases tagged with Actual Location
Maps and mods that feature actual locations.
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City 7: Toronto Conflictfor Half-Life 2
City 7: Toronto Conflict, is an action packed Half-Life 2 mod with a variety of unique levels and game play. Explore what has become of City 7 in areas like Dundas Square, Eaton Center , Mel Lastman square, St. Michael’s Hospital and TTC system under the Combine rule.
Total Downloads: 7,36131st October 2007
and 39 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 1,23721st September 2008
23 Comments and 12 recommendations, 6 say "Maybe?"